For I reckon that the sufferings of the present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory about to be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18)

Jay “4G” Gathers on September 25 took to social media, where he erected a rather spirited post dedicated to his beloved daughter.
Said Gathers in a post that was accompanied by four compelling images of his baby girl:
“Today, I promised my daughter another daddy-daughter date. She just lit up & we had so much fun.”
Indeed, they did, as evidenced by the smiles exhibited by Gathers’ daughter.
To grasp a thorough concept of why Gathers nowadays are all smiles, look no further than how God has strategically blessed him to bounce back amid a rash of unfavorable circumstances during the course of his life, a trend that has only heighted his fervent faith walk with his Creator in the process.
Speaking of Gathers’ ability to bounce back, this accomplished Atlanta gospel recording recording-artist-turned-author deemed it essential to go to great lengths to compose an intriguing empowering book that, for all intents and purposes, chronicles his quest to press and navigate through arguably life’s toughest of obstacles.
MORE ON 4G: https://www.4grapmusic.com/
During a weekend interview with Making Headline News, Gathers spoke at length about how Bounce Back — his first authorship project — came to fruition amid a memorable, in-depth conversation with Bishop James Kelly, his spiritual father for whom he has overwhelming respect.
“The idea of the book was actually given to me by (my Bishop), who was and still my spiritual leader, during a conversation we had over 15 years ago,” Gathers told MHN. “During the conversation, he stated, ‘If you write a book, you’d be a millionaire.’ He went on to say that I should call it ‘Bounce Back,’ because he’d seen me go through situation after situation and there hadn’t been anything I wasn’t able to bounce back from.”
For Gathers, such a dialogue, by all accounts, had rested in his spirit ever since, thus changed the overall landscape of his life, considering he made certain to heed the wise counsel of his spiritual leader.
“I always remembered that conversation and had already had plans to write the book someday,” Gathers said. “At the start of the 2021 year, I felt it was no time to complete that goal.”

Once Gathers commenced to composing Bounce Back, he didn’t merely allow anything — or anyone — to deter him from steadfastly obeying God’s strategic commands that were uttered specifically through his Bishop.
“(The purpose of this book is) to inspire others through my transparency by telling my truths,” Gathers explained. “I’ve gone through some situations in life that the average man or woman would’ve lost their sanity. But God….”
Amen to that, in large part because Gathers doesn’t shy away from the notion that his newly-produced book that figures to help enrich and enhance the lives of others for years to come.
“Through these (unfavorable) situations, I learned about myself and that there’s absolutely nothing I couldn’t overcome,” said Gathers, further explaining the divine purpose for his book. “I wanted to share my experiences of being broken and allow it to minister or serve as healing to other individuals like myself.”
A book Gathers began composing in March — “It’s in its final stages of being completed,” he said — the gifted gospel recording artist known as “4G” announced this his first published work is expected to make its official release in the coming weeks.
According to Gathers, Bounce Back is a book he somewhat patterned after the globally-acclaimed, award-winning books of two prominent personalities.
“(My book is) relative to Steve Harvey’s Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man, where he shares personal experiences while dropping some nuggets regarding relationships, or T.D. Jakes’ Woman Thou Art Loosed regarding being healed from past hurts,” Gathers explained. “Bounce Back is a memoir about (my life) and basic lessons I learned while playing the game of basketball.”
Gathers appropriately added: “Similar to Mr. Harvey’s book, this book gives basic life principles seen through the eyes of the game. Ironically, the book itself isn’t really about basketball. Again, it’s the memoir about how I was able to heal from the wounds of my past. Through real-life experiences, my book will give you what you need to overcome the past hurts, struggles, and disappointments (of your life).”
Interestingly enough, Gathers has already become the beneficiary of a rash of favorable feedback for a book that could very well emerge as a bestseller, much sooner than later.
“(I’ve got people waiting with great) anticipation and excitement,” Gathers said. “All feedback has been nothing short of positive.”
Upon the release of Bounce Back, Gathers said he will immediately devise plans to host a book tour.
“I’d like to do this tour on platforms (with people) such as T.D. Jakes, Steve Harvey, Oprah Winfrey, and even The Breakfast Club,” Gathers said. “I’ve always felt like all the hell I’d gone through, it had to be for a bigger purpose. Statistics say I should’ve lost my mind or been dealing with certain types of spirits, (or I should’ve) dead or in prison. But God had me hid for a time such as this for His glory.”
Ironically, it is an appointed time by which even Gathers’ spiritual father sensed would ultimately come to fruition — some 15 years ago, to put it more precisely.
“While my story is still being written, a movie is sure to follow this book of inspiration,” Gathers said.
Without hesitation.
For more information on Atlanta’s Jay “4G” Gathers of GrandMaster Entertainment, LLC, to inquire about his book, or to schedule him for a public appearance or speaking engagement, call 402.603-2404. Also, connect with him via Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/jay.gathers or send email to: [email protected].
EDITOR’S NOTE: If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist or Instagram at @makingheadlinenews.