For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. (Romans 8:18)

As far as spiritual stability goes, TeKeisha Wade has become accustomed to breaking away from the hustle and bustle that life often deals up and spend time with God Almighty.
Some much-needed, recuperative time with the Father, to put it more precisely.
Consider, for instance, the “alone time with Him” Wade vividly recalls encountering with God, during which He instilled within her a life-altering assignment she subsequently had come to embrace.
This notable assignment, Wade explains, has emerged by way of The Power Of Breaking The Silence: The Blueprint of A Survivor, her highly-anticipated featured book for which the Mid-South writer is the Visionary Author.
A collaborative written work that is comprised of six co-authors, Wade’s The Power Of Breaking The Silence: The Blueprint of A Survivor debuted this past Fall in honor of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
“God gave me this vision (to spearhead this anthology) while I was spending some alone time with Him,” Wade said as part of Making Headline News’ advance coverage of Bishop T. D. Jakes’ International Leadership Summit May 4-6 in Orlando. “I was thinking about a date to launch my solo book project and this feeling came over me to launch a book of stories.”
To her credit, Wade’s The Power Of Breaking The Silence: The Blueprint of A Survivor has been as good as advertised since its recent release.
BUY COACH KEISHA’S BOOKS: https://www.openarmsconnection.com/

An anthology she said is a collection of what she describes as “The HEALing Library,” Wade’s The Power Of Breaking The Silence is a life-altering, fascinating collaborative book that details how a half-dozen co-authors transformed from victims to survivors, according to a detailed synopsis of this anthology at Amazon.com.
“We made a decision to heal out loud by breaking the silence of domestic, intimate partner violence, and narcissistic abuse,” Wade said via Amazon while introducing her featured book project. “Journey with us as a witness on how God moves when we make the decision to say ‘yes’ to the healing process.”
Suitably known as “Coach Keisha,” Wade said the optimism to spearhead her anthology came from The One Person Who has the power to heal and provide her with the spiritual restoration she needs to savor the abundant life that Christ came to give us.
“The inspiration from God,” Wade, who resides in Memphis, told MHN. “Also, when I heard the stories of the survivors. I wanted to give hope to other men and women that went through domestic violence and narcissistic abuse and to let them know that they were not alone. I wanted to provide a resource, a self-healing guide to breaking the silence of abuse.
“The book is part of my purpose to write my journey and documented mistakes to educate myself and others,” Wade, the co-founder of Living Free From Fear Movement, continued. “It is a blueprint. It is a piece of my story to share what it looks like to make the decision to say ‘Yes’ to God and my purpose to serve others in their self-healing journey. Also, my purpose to help individuals going through or went through domestic violence and intimate partner abuse and narcissistic abuse.”
Since the release of Wade’s featured book, she has become the beneficiary of a rash of rave reviews.
“(People have told me) it is power in every story they read in the book,” Wade said. “(They’ve said) it is a helpful guide to use to educate others. It also inspired others to start writing and to publish their story.”
A native of Terry, Mississippi — a rural Hinds County establishment that is comprised of roughly 1,063 residents, according to the latest U. S. census — Wade made her authorship debut in 2020 with the release of BOSS MOMS: You Can Have It All With CHRIST!
BUY COACH KEISHA’S BOOKS: https://www.openarmsconnection.com/
The following year, she graced the pages of three additional books: WALKING IN MY PURPOSE: A Book Collaboration and Workbook Journal, Be You Love You: Do Not Disturb, Healing In Progress (and Do Not Disturb, Healing In Progress Workbook), and How I Made It Over.
As for the divine message Wade is aiming to send to send to her reading audience through her latest book project, she said:
“I want my audience to know they can also come out of the dark and enter into the light. The storms they endured were part of their purpose to help bring others to freedom. They are not victims. They are survivors, overcomers. I want to show them what it looks like to write in a journal without the fear of being perfect in writing their thoughts. I also want them to know that it is okay to not be okay. It is time to break the silence and heal out loud.”
MORE ON WADE: https://www.livingfreefromfear.com/
A solo-authored book is on the horizon, Wade, an international certified life coach and Christian counselor, told MHN. The title: His Secret Life With The Secret Wife.
“I am working on a guide as a resource to provide helpful tips on how to protect yourself when experiencing a narcissistic leader, toxic boss, and/or leader with behavioral issues,” said Wade, who has a number of speaking engagements and podcast appearances forthcoming. “Also, how to protect yourself mentally and emotionally in a toxic work environment.”

The Executive Producer of It’s Your Time To Heal…Let’s Talk (which airs via BHC Media) and The Coaching Xperience Show (which airs via Kingdom Purpose TV), Wade said she is and inviting individuals to also watch her shows on Roku and Amazon Fire TV.
For more information about Mid-South Author TeKeisha Wade, to order her books, to schedule her for a public appearance, book signing or speaking engagement, call 601-476-5292 or connect with her via Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Also, send email to: [email protected] or [email protected].
WHAT’S YOUR STORY? If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist or Instagram at @makingheadlinenews.