Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58 NIV)

DALLAS — To his credit, Jay Vinson was afforded the golden opportunity to put his immeasurable empowerment gifts on display in the historic Lone Star State.
“Most recently, I had a speaking engagement in Fort Worth, Texas, where I was the keynote speaker for one of the elementary schools for Fort Worth Independent School District during their end-of-the-school-year field day,” Vinson told Making Headline News during a recent interview. “With all the bullying that went on the entire 2022-2023 school year at schools across the United States and even on social media, I empowered each student with what it takes to step into greatness and how bullying can cause someone to get seriously hurt or killed, as well as (taught) how each student needs to show more respect to their teachers.”
As part of Making Headline News’ advance coverage of Sarah Jakes Roberts’ inaugural Woman Evolve Conference September 14-16 from Globe Life Field in Arlington, Texas, Vinson, a Lithia Springs, Georgia-based certified spiritual, health and wellness life coach, as well as CEO of JJV Enterprises, JJV Vinson Corp, and founder of Jay Vinson Ministries Inc., introduced Discovering A Better You Professional Life Coaching, his notable empowerment endeavor he figures could greatly impact a generation for years to come.
MORE ON VINSON: https://www.jayvinson.org/team-1

Generally, Vinson’s Discovering A Better You Professional Life Coaching is suitably regarded as a rising platform that falls under his youth empowerment coaching academy called Stepping Into Greatness. This venture, he said, mostly involves empowerment speaking, life coaching, and mentorship, particularly for elementary, high school and college students, and student athletes.
“The mission is to educate, equip, and empower our young people to become great as a human being and in life,” Vinson told MHN. “Although I know I cannot save everybody, my personal mission for doing this work is to educate, equip, and empower our youth and let them know that they can become great in life if they hang around positive people and get more involved in extracurricular activities or even positive things that goes on in their local community.”
Making Headline News Man of The Year for 2022, Vinson credits a gallery of loved one for empowering him to become empowered to empower today’s millennials.
In that order.
“My parents, brother, and grandparents were the ones who inspired me to be all that I can be in life and even step out on faith, especially if God has given me a vision,” Vinson, a native of Montgomery, Alabama, said.
Having adopted a keen passion for working with youths for nearly two decades, Vinson has been a certified youth life coach since 2020. His empowerment business endeavor, he said, services youths ranging from elementary to college students.
Interestingly enough, Vinson’s partnership with youths dates back to his days as a Sunday School teacher.
“(I was) at church teaching my peers which, later on, I found myself working with the YMCA as an after-school counselor and summer counselor,” Vinson recalls. “Even when I got older and graduated with my first Master’s Degree, that’s when I got into education as a school teacher. That’s what propelled me to launch my business during the middle of the pandemic back in 2020. That’s when I shifted gears of launching my youth coaching academy which has been going great.”
For what it’s worth, it’s safe to assume Vinson is steadfastly fulfilling the divine purpose for which God created him, as evidenced by his wife-range national success in his chosen line of work.
“I like that I get to connect with our youth and learn more about their stories, as well as coach them to be great in life but most importantly help them find their life purpose,” Vinson said. “Even working with several athletes who have come through my coaching academy, the biggest thing I did with them was to help them find their life purpose beyond athletics.
“The reason why is I have come to find out that most student athletes I have taught or even worked with as an athletic coach or life coach, they do not have a backup plan or know what their life purpose is beyond athletics. So I find great joy of helping each male and female whether they are a student athlete or just a student get back on track in life and find their purpose to be great in life.

Continued Vinson:
“We live in a world where there is so much negativity that is surrounded us on a daily basis, which has caused most youth around the world to lose hope for life and as being a school teacher by day. I see it on a consistent basis. But as a certified life coach, that’s what motivates me every day to inspire our young people and let to them know that they can become great and bounce back in life in spite of their failures or setback in life.”