Give praise to the Lord, proclaim His name. Make known among the nations what He has done. (Psalm 105:1/NIV)

If nothing else, Renee Woodard’s primary objective was to submit to the will of God.
“God gave me another chance to be in Volume II after becoming a first-time author in Volume I of Injustice last year,” Woodard, during a recent interview with Making Headline News, said of the notable developments surrounding her latest authorship milestone. “So, He wanted me to continue with this movement, so here I am again.”
For Woodard, it was a golden opportunity worth taking, given the Delaware-based writer is just weeks away from witnessing her sophomore authorship endeavor come full circle by way of Injustice Volume II: Empowered By Dr. Iris Wright, a highly-anticipated anthology that is currently in the production’s final stages and is scheduled to debut March 8, which is recognized annually as International Women’s Day.
The second edition of Injustice Volume comes a little less than one year after Dr. Wright’s debut volume of her collaborative book project.
BUY WOODARD’S BOOK: [email protected]

An anthology that is comprised of six co-authors, the legwork for Injustice Volume II began in August, a book that is scheduled to be officially completed in the coming weeks.
Presales orders for Woodard’s book are currently available and can be purchased by emailing her at [email protected].
For Woodard, her fervent rise to gracing the pages of a second published book comes amid humble beginnings, something she doesn’t merely take for granted.
Woodard commenced to composing her designated chapter this past August and needed approximately a month to complete it.
“I chose to be in Volume II because God wanted me to continue to share my story, tell others of God’s goodness, and bring hope and peace to those struggling,” Woodard told Making Headline News as part of its advance national media coverage for Bishop T. D. Jakes 2024 International Leadership Summit from Dallas March 21-23.
More than anything, Woodard emphasized, she’s convinced she is destined to give the divine message that God can make something out of nothing if you believe in Him.
“Don’t worry about how you start because it may begin to be rough, but with God, He will turn it around for your good because everything that God does is for a reason,” said Woodard, providing a detailed synopsis of her chapter. “The Bible states that the race isn’t given to the swift, nor the wise, but to the ones that endure until the end. So, I’m saying God has the final say, so be not weary in your well-doing.”

Since word spread that she has carved out another book project, Woodard has fielded a slew of rave reviews.
“I have gained good feedback from my story thus far because many would tell me that they could relate, and (said) I give them hope because if I can go through what I went through and talk about it, so can they,” Woodard told MHN. “I have also been told ‘thank you’ for being a voice for them.”
For what it’s worth, there is another pivotal message Woodard aims to send to her reading audience.
“I look at everything I’ve endured for a reason,” Woodard said. “God doesn’t do things for nothing or allow us to go through for nothing because, with God, everything has a purpose and a plan. When I look back over my life, I know it wasn’t anybody but God who brought me through because only He could do it, and for that, I have to let everyone know that God still reigns.
“God has used me to show the world that there’s a God, and He lives inside of me,” Woodard continued. “God wants the hopeless, brokenhearted, the nobodies, the rejected, and the never going to be anything to see that all things are possible with God because I’m a living testimony and witness to all these things.”
Interestingly enough, Woodard is already looking ahead to Dr. Wright’s third edition of Injustice.
“I plan to continue with this movement and be a part of Injustice Volume III,” said Woodard, “and then I plan on writing a book about Who’s Renee Woodard?”
Woodard acknowledged she is open to speaking engagements and public appearances, during which she welcomes the concept of sharing her assortment of life-altering experiences.
“I haven’t been speaking (publicly), but everything is God’s timing,” Woodard said. “And when it’s my time to talk, I will speak. But until then, God has me patiently waiting for His timing. God said to be anxious for nothing, so I will continue letting God order my steps. I want to add that we must trust God’s timing and His process because those who wait on the Lord, will renew their strength, and we will mount up eagles and fly. So, no matter how long things seem to be, when you wait on God, He will perfect it because better days are coming.”
Especially when she earnestly submit to Him.

For more information about Dover, Delaware Author Renee Woodard, to order her book, schedule her for a book signing, public appearance, or speaking engagement, connect with her via social media under: Facebook under “Renee Woodard.” Send email to: [email protected].
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Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist or Instagram at @makingheadlinenews.