For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18/NIV)

LaDonna Jarden sure misses her beloved brother.
So much so that the late Pastor Rory Murphy often resurfaces in her human memory bank, particularly when she is fortifying her immeasurable gifts through her chosen line of work as an accomplished mental health counselor.
“I completed my education in Psychology and began to counsel others and noticed my advice started change within each client,” Jarden told Making Headline News during a weekend interview. “So I always journaled, which led to writing books. But this journal was different. It opened my eyes more to what I was dealing with. I haven’t had time to grieve.”
The journal to which Jarden is alluding is Masking The Misery: Uninvited Guest, her featured written work that, much to her delight, has emerged as one of the best and most sought-after published projects of 17 books to date.
BUY JARDEN’S BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/stores/LaDonna-Jarden/author/B00NVQ7FTE

Jarden’s Masking The Misery: Uninvited Guest is currently in the presale order phase and can be purchased by contacting her via https://authorityconsultingservices.wordpress.com/ or by emailing her at [email protected] or [email protected].
Jarden’s highly-anticipated journal is scheduled to make its official release in February, the DeRidder, Louisiana-based author MHN.
According to Jarden — a rising businesswoman-turned-author who’s suitably known as an “EntrePENuer” — she initially grasped the vision to compose her journal after she graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology.
“I began journaling about my grief,” said Jarden, who’s latest authorship milestone comes a little more than five years after the death of Pastor Rory Murphy, her brother who passed away December 30, 2019, after suffering a stroke, coupled with a lengthy battle with multiple sclerosis.
He was 55.
“People go through things and don’t realize it’s best to talk about it,” said Jarden, explaining the divine purpose for her latest book. “You can’t fix what you don’t face. We have to learn how to confront our issues if we want to heal. I want everyone to know — especially men — it’s okay to not be okay, but it’s not okay to stay there. As women, we also need to confront what we are dealing with and empower — or “EmpowHER” — other women when we get through it.”
A native of Houston, Jarden made her authorship debut in 2004 with the release of A Woman Of Favor In The Midst Of It All.
She has since penned 16 additional books, including 11 over the past decade.
“I would be all day (naming each book),” Jarden jokingly said. Also, my husband and I wrote another book. This was a time where we were faced with my brother’s death in 2019. We had a fire and lost everything, and we thought it was about us covering each other but it was God showing us that it was Him sustaining us, which led us to become first-time home buyers.”
As for the feedback she has garnered since word spread of her newly-produced journal, Jarden said:
“Not much because it’s unique to discuss. Many people won’t express public concern, but privately, I’ve received many inboxes about it.”

Jarden said monies from her latest book will go towards finalizing payments for a missions trip with her local church to Zimbabwe (a landlocked country in Southeast Africa) in July 2025.
Also, Jarden’s itinerary includes hosting an upcoming empowerment panel and a women’s conference geared towards mental health, she told MHN.
Thanks in large to the vision behind Masking The Misery: Uninvited Guest, Jarden said she has blessed with what could be appropriately described as some newfound revelation.
“I realize now when counseling others, you first have to deal with your issues firsthand,” Jarden said. “How can you tell others about their issues and you won’t face yours?”

REMEMBERING RORY: Louisiana entrepreneur LaDonna Jarden establishes a credible clothing line in her brother’s memory
BOOKS GALORE: Louisiana author LaDonna Jarden fulfilling her God-mandated purpose with 10 books and counting
For more information DeRidder, Louisiana Author LaDonna Jarden, to order her books, to schedule a public appearance, book signing, or speaking engagement, connect with her via social media at: https://www.facebook.com/ladonna.jarden or at https://authorityconsultingservices.wordpress.com/. Also, send email to: [email protected] or [email protected].
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Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist or Instagram at @makingheadlinenews.