We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. (Romans 15:1 KJV)

Earlier this week, one of Ieshia Leverette’s Facebook friends took to her timeline, where she deemed it essential to publicly pass along a few pleasantries to the Fredericksburg, Virginia-based entrepreneur.
“You have no idea how proud I am of you,” Fena Apple wrote to Leverette on her social media page.
For what it’s worth, that Leverette’s friend thought it necessary to give her some well-deserved props is a microcosm of how those with whom she’s crossed paths of late have come to embrace and commend her for her assortment of achievements in recent years.
A thriving, progressive businesswoman who’s widely known for assuming a variety of roles — most notably as President of FitRealty — Leverette has achieved yet another monumental milestone as the mastermind behind the book entitled, “Naked Truth.”
A spiritually-empowering written document that will make its official debut on the market on July 14, Leverette’s “Naked Truth” was assembled, in large part because God strategically assigned her to do so.
“God wanted me to share my story to inspire others who may not understand that life can change,” Leverette told Making Headline News this week. “You can overcome obstacles. He wanted me to help bridge others into who they deserve to be and let them know it is possible.”
For Leverette, her authorship comes amid a disheartening marital dissolution, a development that transpired a few years ago, an occurrence that essentially brought about assortment of changes — the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Leverette’s “Naked Truth” is the first of a three-part series because, according to this author, “there’s no way I could tell my life in one book.”
“I felt like I was going into another season in my life while going through a divorce from my husband of almost eight years,” Leverette explained. “I didn’t want to keep delaying this project. I felt it in my heart and God told me now was the time.”
But first, Leverette had to alter her way of thinking in order to execute her immeasurable gifts as a writer.
“I thought only old people wrote books about their life,” Leverette said. “But then I thought if I don’t start documenting my life, I will forget my humble beginnings. It honestly was the best therapy one could do in their life. It has helped me re-discover myself in ways I never connected.”
As for the divine message she aspires to send to her reading audience through “Naked Truth,” Leverette is rather forthright and to-the-point when offering an appropriate assessment.
“No matter the journey you travel, the path you take, or how long it takes if you keep going, you will find yourself creating a way to become who you deserve to be,” Leverette said without hesitation. “You may think you have a hard life, but the fact of the matter is everyone has a story.”
CONNECT WITH IESHIA TO BUY HER BOOK: https://ladyleverette.com

Now that Leverette has steadfastly remained true to herself, coupled with having obeyed the Voice of God by composing a book that figures to have a massive impact, she’s thoroughly convinced that because she’s successfully embraced changed, she’s spiritually equipped to enable others to follow suit.
“Everyone has experienced some form of trauma…if you really get to know them,” Leverette said. “Some (people’s) scars are deeper than others, but they do exist. Just ask. Always uplift, smile, and encourage others, even if they’re strangers, because you never know who is dealing with what.”
All things considered, Leverette would be the first to admit that the slew of experiences through which she’s gone and conquered undoubtedly have been her greatest teachers throughout the life of this young businesswoman-turned-author.
“I’ve often had questions as to why am I this way or why do I respond like this, etc.,” Leverette said. “Well, writing this book and reading it over and over gave me clarification and explanations I could never understand before. Furthermore, it helped me close gaps of my life that I was not aware of.

“I had my editor do interviews of my parents and friends, which you can find at the end of the book. When I read the interviews, it allowed me to see the perspective from their eyes and help me find a place of resolve to be forgiving. Most often, we think people are just hurting us when the fact is they came from a line of hurt, so they don’t know that they’re hurting you.”
As expected, the feedback she’s garnered she’s announcing the forthcoming release of her new book has been favorable, Leverette said.
“(Many have said) it’s a powerful story (and that) I’m a strong person,” Leverette said. “They enjoy the diction in the excerpts that I’ve been releasing to my audience. It was also said to be very brave and bold of me to share my story.”
A story that like one of social media followers said earlier this week, figures to prompt others to express just how proud of her they are.
For more information Fredericksburg, Virginia-based entrepreneur Ieshia Leverette, or to schedule her for a public appearance, a book signing, or speaking engagement, call 571.572.9149 or connect with her via social media at: https://www.facebook.com/ieshia.leverette. Also, send email to: [email protected]
EDITOR’S NOTE: If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist.