Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you; But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. (1 Peter 4:12-13 KJV)
GOD’S LEADING LADY —Mid-South author Evangelist Melinda Walker thought it necessary to share of her assortment of life-altering testimonies in a book entitled, “Right When The Caterpillar Thought Her Life Was Over, She Became A Butterfly.”
For Melinda Walker, 2018 essentially was a year in which she witnessed a much-anticipated defining moment, of sorts.
For starters, that is when God strategically breathed on her the unction of the Holy Spirit.
As a result, Walker was able to appropriately breathe again, an awe-inspiring development that had greatly enabled her to embrace the divine purpose for which she was created.
“(God) gave it to me (the vision) in 2018 right after I launched my first Anthology, ‘Breathe,’” Walker, during an interview this week with Making Headline News, said, recalling the memorable developments that had ultimately given way to her composing a rather compelling, spiritually empowering book. “I was finally able to breathe.”
So much so that Walker thought it necessary to share of her assortment of life-altering testimonies in a book entitled, “Right When The Caterpillar Thought Her Life Was Over, She Became A Butterfly.”
An anthology that is comprised of more than 10 women, each of this accomplished writers have deemed it essential to join forces and share of their respective testimonies, many of which were mired by heartache, pain, abuse, rejection, abandonment, not to mention the appropriate steps in how they were blessed to overcome them.
A book that is comprised of 235 pages and is nearly two months removed from its ceremoniously release, Walker’s “Right When The Caterpillar Thought Her Life Was Over, She Became A Butterfly” recalls specifically how godly women often experience situations and hardships in life, causing them to go into their shell and run from life, as mentioned in a detailed introduction at
“Rarely do they have the opportunity to release the weight and walk free,” said an Amazon spokesperson for Walker’s “Right When The Caterpillar Thought Her Life Was Over, She Became A Butterfly.”
An anthology that is comprised of more than 10 women, each of this accomplished writers have deemed it essential to join forces and share of their respective testimonies, many of which were mired by heartache, pain, abuse, rejection, abandonment, not to mention the appropriate steps in how they were blessed to overcome them.
IT’S ALL GOOD —A book she needed somewhere in the neighborhood of a half calendar year to assembled, Walker’s “Right When The Caterpillar Thought Her Life Was Over, She Became A Butterfly” has been as good advertised, given it has drawn an array of favorable feedback.
“If you have experienced this, you know how it can haunt you,” added an Amazon spokesperson. “You may even find yourself in one of the stories.”
For the record, Walker sure did. And because of that, one thing for which she can boldly attest is that, well, the truth has set her free.
Free from her tumultuous past.
Free from being a victim to the adversary.
Free from bondage.
Free in that, much to her delight, she can stand dauntlessly on God’s battlefield and tell of His goodness and mercies.
“There are stages to life and just as the caterpillar went through the stages in her life to transform into a beautiful butterfly, so shall we as women,” Walker said in response to the feedback she’s garnered since her book’s release. “We go through the toughest things in life. The last stage is the cocoon stage and that’s when we have to choose to live.”
Because after all, that is what transforming from a caterpillar to a butterfly is all about.
“(God) simply spoke to me and said, ‘Right when you thought it was over, I allowed you to go through a metamorphosis and I caused all things to work together for your good,’” Walker recalled. “He used all my ugliness for His good and He told me to allow women (with similar) testimonies to join me as we gave hope to hopeless situations in the lives of many women.”
By and large, a renewed sense of “hope” undoubtedly seemed to be the featured theme, of sorts, for Walker’s “Right When The Caterpillar Thought Her Life Was Over, She Became A Butterfly.”
“I wanted this book to make women know that He will take all their pain and bottle it up in this alabaster box and He would use it for His glory,” Walker explained. “I want this book to demonstrate the power of God, the power of forgiveness and the power of deliverance. I want people to know God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we can ask or think according to the power that worketh in is. He’s able!”
A book she needed somewhere in the neighborhood of a half calendar year to assembled, Walker’s “Right When The Caterpillar Thought Her Life Was Over, She Became A Butterfly” has been as good advertised, given it has drawn an array of favorable feedback.
“There are stages to life and just as the caterpillar went through the stages in her life to transform into a beautiful butterfly, so shall we as women,” Walker said in response to the feedback she’s garnered since her book’s release. “We go through the toughest things in life. The last stage is the cocoon stage and that’s when we have to choose to live.
A book that is comprised of 235 pages and is nearly two months removed from its ceremoniously release, Walker’s “Right When The Caterpillar Thought Her Life Was Over, She Became A Butterfly” recalls specifically how godly women often experience situations and hardships in life, causing them to go into their shell and run from life, as mentioned in a detailed introduction at
“It is the ugliest stage…no life, no joy, depression and giving up is easy but if we decide to complete this cycle and allow the transformation to take place we too will transform into a beautiful butterfly,” Walker continued. “Don’t give up and trust the process. I’ve received feedback that this book has challenged, healed and brought clarity in many areas of the lives of many women thus far.”
So far, Walker has written a trio of books to date with more on the horizon much sooner than later, she said.
A native of Bogalusa, Louisiana, Walker currently resides is Hattiesburg, Mississippi.
A devout woman of faith, Walker is widely known as a wife, mother, author, health and wellness coach, life and purpose coach, ghost writer, and vision pusher.
She is the youngest daughter of two girls. Having graduated high school in 1991 and completed two years of college, Walker subsequently relocated to the Magnolia State, where she was eventually united in Holy Matrimony with her husband of 26 years.
The couple has since been residents of Hattiesburg and have three children together.
DEFINING MOMENT —For Melinda Walker, 2018 essentially was a year in which she witnessed a much-anticipated defining moment, of sorts. For starters, that is when God strategically breathed on her the unction of the Holy Spirit.
Interestingly, Walker is a licensed evangelist at the Outreach Fellowship Revival Center, where she serves faithfully under the leadership of Pastor Jessie Holloway and wife Teresa Holloway.
As for her latest book, Walker said she overwhelming grateful that she acted out of complete obedience unto God.
“This book allows me to show women that God can take something out of nothing and He can use our past for the present and our pain for purpose,” Walker said. “Everything we went through was necessary to bring out the best version of who God created us to be. Every woman has a purpose and this book allowed me to help them tell their truth and stand in it.”
With God, their Helper, steering the way.
For more information Mid-South-area Author/Businesswoman, Evangelist Melinda Walker, to order her books, to schedule a public appearance, book signing, connect with her via Facebook at: Send email to: [email protected].
EDITOR’S NOTE:If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist.