Yet, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him Who loved us. (Romans 8:37 NKJV)

For Francisca Epale, 2019 was a year during which she witnessed arguably the biggest defining moment of her life.
Stricken by the dreaded breast cancer, a disease that, unfortunately, has claimed the lives of five of her family members, Epale seemingly had nowhere to turn.
But God…
“God gave me the vision to write this book in 2019, the year I was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer,” Epale, a Toronto, Ontario-based author, told Making Headline News this week.
The book to which Epale is alluding is How I Conquered Breast Cancer Without Chemotherapy: My Journey From A Mess To A Message.
BUY EPALE’S BOOK: https://breastcancerconquerednow.com/

A book that is accompanied by 132 pages in length, Epale’s featured written made its ceremonious debut in October 2021.
October is recognized annually as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Epale’s fourth book to date, How I Conquered Breast Cancer Without Chemotherapy: My Journey From A Mess To A Message is what this brilliant — and resilient — Canadian writer appropriately describes a “wake-up call” for women of child-bearing age to do regular self-breast examinations and massages to detect lumps in their early stages, according to a detailed synopsis of this book at Amazon.com.

“Mammograms are not 100 percent accurate,” said an Amazon spokesperson for Epale’s How I Conquered Breast Cancer Without Chemotherapy: My Journey From A Mess To A Message. “The author had five family members — nuclear and extended — who succumbed to cancer. With a strong faith in God to break this generational curse and change the trajectory of her family’s life, she decided to choose unorthodox methods to conquer her cancer. By so doing, she is sharing her healing journey to empower, encourage, and inspire those who might be in a similar situation. The author wants to share with readers that if cancer is detected in its early stages, it is not a death sentence. There is light at the end of the tunnel!”
Interestingly enough, Epale needed somewhere in the neighborhood of three months to assemble her published masterpiece, having begun composing her featured book in July 2021 and finishing it in October.
“The divine message I am sending to my audience is helping others (through their cancer diagnosis),” Epale told MHN. “Through my book, I am helping others who might be going through a similar journey. This book is part of the purpose for which God has created me (because it) is through the act of giving. I am sharing my cancer journey and recovery in order to impact, influence, entertain, and educate others.”
A native of Toronto, Epale made her authorship debut in 2016 when she witnessed the release of The Naked Educator: How To Survive In The Middle Kingdom. Two years later, she wrote a second edition of the book, this one entitled, The Naked Educator: Secrets To Surviving In China As An Expatriate.
Then in 2019, Epale was one of a gallery of co-authors to produce the collaborative written work entitled, 365 Empowering Stories. Epale’s chapter was entitled, My Journey: The Seven Amazing Steps That Shrunk My Uterine Fibroids.

Other books, she said, are forthcoming.
“Yes, I have another book in the pipeline,” Epale, a certified health and life coach and accredited community French interpreter, said.
By all accounts, Epale is doesn’t shy away from the notion that How I Conquered Breast Cancer Without Chemotherapy: My Journey From A Mess To A Message aligns with the purpose for which God has created her.
“While writing the book, I enrolled in a program and now I am a certified health and life coach from the Health Coach Institute of Boise, Idaho,” said Epale, adding that additional information about her book can be found at https://breastcancerconquerednow.com/. I would like to urge women of child-bearing age to do self-breast examinations regularly because mammograms are not 100 percent accurate. My call to action is for you to buy at least two books on Amazon, one for yourself and another for a friend.”
For more information about Toronto, Ontario Author/Businesswoman Francisca Epale, to inquire about her books, a public appearance or speaking engagement, connect with her via Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/francisca.epale; LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/franciscaepale/?originalSubdomain=ca; Twitter: https://twitter.com/franciscaepale?lang=en; YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwke6ctksEu9c6XnYMXa2_w; Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/franciscaepale/. Also, email her at: [email protected].
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Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist or Instagram at @makingheadlinenews.