We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. (Romans 15:1 KJV)

Michael Frye and his wife, Deborah Juniper-Frye, are virtually inseparable.
That, after all, practically sums up why Michael Frye deemed it a foregone conclusion to steadfastly support his beloved companion on literally all of her endeavors.
Said Frye in a May 23 Facebook post: “To ALL MY FB FAMILY: I need your support in purchasing my wife’s new, Anthology “GRIEF THROUGH HIS EYES,” in which I am a Co-Author.”
Indeed, he is. And for all the right reasons, too.
BUY FRYE’S BOOK: http://griefcareconsulting.com/
Frye, to his credit, is one of a gallery of co-authors who have collectively joined forces to produce Grief Through His Eyes: Seeing Grief From His Point Of View, Juniper-Frye high-anticipated anthology that will be accompanied by stories of her male counterparts.
“The amazing thing about this project is that all of the collaborating authors will be men,” Juniper-Frye told Making Headline News during an April 2022 interview. “God gave me this vision to write this book in 2020, and I put it high up on the shelf because I did not think I was qualified to take on such a project.”

Regardless, what Juniper-Frye had ultimately discovered was that God had other plans — plans to greatly inspire men through her awe-inspiring vision that our Creator is destined to prosper them and not to harm them, plans to give them hope and a future, as we are vividly reminded according to Jeremiah 29:11.
A spiritually-empowering, life-alerting book that is an Amazon Bestseller and is comprised of 153 pages in length, the eBook version of Grief Through His Eyes: Seeing Grief From His Point Of View debuted this earlier this week.
The official release (hardcopy edition) of this anthology is scheduled to make its ceremonious debut Father’s Day weekend (June 18).
For Frye, his long-awaited authorship debut comes amid humble beginnings, something by which this Virginia Beach, Virginia-based writer doesn’t merely take lightly.
“I chose to write my chapter to inspire others and tell the story of truth that others would not touch,” Frye told Making Headline News this week. “I wanted to free my mind from internal bondage and just lay it all on the line to help someone that may be going through the same trauma I endured.”
In essence, Frye doesn’t shy away from the notion that his wife’s anthology that is dedicated exclusively to men is essential for such a pivotal time as now.
“My message to others would be to persevere through your pain and move forward in triumph,” Frye, a native of New Haven, Connecticut, said.

Much to his delight, Frye has become the beneficiary of a rash of favorable feedback since word spread of him having delved off into the ever-evolving world authorship.
“I’ve received very positive feedback from many people, (including) clergymen,” Frye said. “It has given the readers a liberating spirit to finally talk about the elephant in the room.”

Frye will officially be christened as a first-time author during a book launch June 18 at the The Kroc Center Hampton Roads in nearby Norfolk, Virginia.
The venue is located at 1401 Ballentine Blvd.
Just recently, Juniper-Frye arranged for her husband and other co-authors of Grief Through His Eyes to participate in a podcast interview that called, Girlfriends Tea With Sebrina.
Also, Frye and other co-authors will appear in OWN IT Magazine, a publication that is spearheaded by Marissa Bloedoorn, he said.

For more information about Virginia Beach, Virginia Author Michael Frye, or to schedule him for a public appearance or book signing, connect with him via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michael.frye.98.
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Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist or Instagram at @makingheadlinenews.