And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth. They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. They were not allowed to kill them but only to torture them for five months. And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes. During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them. (Revelation 9: 3-6 NIV)

DALLAS — For what it’s worth, Nathan Scott took Sunday School seriously growing up.
Very seriously, to put it more precisely.
Truth be told, Scott had no choice, really, as to whether he wanted to attend Sunday School on a regular basis.
To the recollection of this the longtime Texas ordained minister, it was like doing regular household chores, a mandatory accountability, of sorts, for the most part.
BUY SCOTT’S BOOK: https://blesscott.com/woe1-the-book/

“As a young boy, attending church and Sunday School was not an option for me,” Scott told Making Headline News during a recent interview. “My mother always saw to it that her children were in Sunday School on Sunday mornings and in Bible Training Union classes on Sunday evenings, although she had to work many Sundays. As a young adult, being a Sunday School teacher and junior deacon, I became very interested in the Book of Revelation and mostly concerning the end-times. The Book of Revelation intrigued me.”
Indeed, it did.
So much, in fact, that Scott has gone to great lengths to help advance — and enlighten — the kingdom on arguably one the most informative and life-altering books in the Bible.

Nathan is the architect of WOE 1: 2038-2048, his highly-anticipated novel that vividly enlightens the masses of broad perspective of what five end times events have “sweeping effects” on the entire globe, or what they could possibly look like.
“However, according to Biblical prophecy, these events, described as the first woe in the book of Revelation, will come true,” Scott said, according to a detailed synopsis of his new book via Amazon.com. “There are consequences for our decisions to hate God and one another and rewards for decisions to love.”
A fascinating, spiritually-informative written work that is comprised of 224 pages and made its ceremoniously release April 4 — which, ironically, was he and his wife’s 26th wedding anniversary — Scott distinctly explores those end-time events, portraying the consequences that humanity will suffer because of constant disregard of the two greatest mandates given by God.
“That we should prove our love of Him by loving Him and loving one another unconditionally,” Scott said in a detailed introduction of WOE 1: 2038-2048 via Amazon.
Interestingly enough, Scott raises a rash of thought-provoking inquiries to his reading audiences in a spiritually gut-checking book that is as good as advertised.
“Can you imagine these effects happening worldwide?
- Decimated food supply?
- Stock market backlash and international conflict?
- Sea and human life lost at alarming rates?
- Wormwood in the water system affecting many people? (many will not survive, Scott cites)
- Elements smitten across the globe, causing chaos?
- Violent locust attacks on humanity, causing suicide attempts with no success?
An intriguing, compelling Christian-based book he needed somewhere in the neighborhood of three years to compose, Scott emphasized, among other things, that his primary objective for producing WOE 1: 2038-2048 is centered in large part on his fervent quest of shining the spotlight on the worldwide hatred that God single-handedly handpicked him to address.
“As a proclaimer of the gospel, I am called to let people know when we’re off the path that leads to everlasting life, which God presented to us, it can have severe consequences,” Scott told MHN.
As Scott explained, the memorable developments surrounding the production of his featured book dates back to nearly a decade ago.
“In the year of 2014, as I set at my desk writing, working on another book — which is a football autobiography — on that particular day, my wife was in the room, and I said to her, ‘God just spoke to me and told me to write a book about the end-times and I had no idea what I was going to write about.’”
As it turned out, Scott’s wife, Marilyn Scott, was sold on the God-mandated assignment her husband fielded from heaven — one that essentially was discovered back during his childhood days in Sunday School, of course.

“She looked at me and said she could see from the countenance on my face that the Spirit of God was upon me, and I should do as the Holy Spirit said,” Scott said.
And the rest, as they say, was history.
Ever since word spread that Scott would be releasing a book that addresses all thing’s end times prophecy, this devout man of faith has become the beneficiary of a slew of rave reviews.
“I’ve been told the novel is a needed witnessing tool for all times to draw people to God through His Son, Jesus Christ,” Scott said. “The story is very timely in showing where we are going as a society and what we need to do to turn things around.”

Other written works are forthcoming, said Scott, who has worked in the aviation industry for more than two decades.
“I am considering a sequel and possibly a series,” Scott said whom, over the weekend, made an appearance at the Gigantic Gospel Concert at Dallas’ Friendship West Baptist Church, during which he autographed copies of his new book. “I also will be completing the football autobiography I started along with a couple more Christian living books I’m working on.”
For more information about Dallas/Fort Worth Author Nathan Scott, to schedule him for a book signing, public appearance or speaking engagement, connect him via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Nathanandmarilynscott; Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nate_and_marilyn; YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@nathanandmarilynscott. Also, send email to [email protected].
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Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist or Instagram at @makingheadlinenews.