No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment, Thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord. (Isaiah 54:17 KJV)

DALLAS — As far as Romans 15:1 goes, it’s safe to assume that Prophetess Cleautrice Smith has become greatly empowered to bear the infirmities of the weak.
Especially in the spiritual realm.
“I wanted to help God’s people understand the cycles and areas in their lives and the underlying problems in the Spirit realm and how to overcome them,” Smith, during an interview this week with Making Headline News, said, recalling the memorable developments that fueled her fervent desire to compose her first book.
To her credit, Smith has gone to great lengths to advance the kingdom mightily, most notably as the architect of Spiritual W.A.R.F.A.R.E. Do You See What I See?: Weapons Against Righteousness Forever Attacking Revelatory Existence, her featured written work that has been as good as advertised since its ceremonious release a little more than a decade ago.
BUY PROPHETESS SMITH’S BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-R-F-R-What-Righteousness/dp/1481249711
As part of Making Headline News’ advance coverage of Sarah Jakes Roberts’ inaugural Woman Evolve Conference September 14-16 from Globe Life Field in Arlington, Texas, Smith, who resides in Tyler, Texas, spoke at length about God, sometime in 2005, had strategically instilled within her the light of the Holy Spirit to write a spiritually-empowering book that figures to reignite a fervent buzz throughout the Body of Christ for years to come.
Although Smith had grasped the awe-inspiring vision to compose Spiritual W.A.R.F.A.R.E. Do You See What I See?: Weapons Against Righteousness Forever Attacking Revelatory Existence approximately 18 years ago, the Tyler, Texas-based author is convinced her published masterpiece is just as prevalent amid what believers have suitably described as perilous times in the modern-day church.
A book that is accompanied by 194 pages, Smith’s Spiritual W.A.R.F.A.R.E. Do You See What I See?, she emphasized, is absolutely essential for the Body of Christ.
“Have you often wondered why you can’t seem to get the breakthrough that is desired and promised of our heavenly Father? Do you ever think that there is something that is hindering your progress? Well, this is the reason that this book was written,” Smith said in a detailed synopsis of her featured book at Amazon.com.
“I was faced with these very same challenging realities. Once I entered into such a walk as a Christian believer, I noticed that there were many cycles that kept occurring in my life and I just couldn’t seem to break through it all. After much prayer and consecration, the Spirit of the Lord revealed to me such a direct meaning as to why and I want to share this reason with you.”

In essence, Smith vividly acknowledged, warfare is something that is eminent in our daily walk as believers.
“But we are to walk that walk in total victory, yet victory seems so far at times,” Smith reminds her readers. “We take a look at some very direct reasons why and a hands-on process, along with breakthrough prayers, that will help you to obtain and maintain the victory that has been promised to us. We can do this together.
“I need you and you need me. We are our brother’s keeper. I have been blessed and endowed to see into the realm of the Spirit in such a way and I want to share with you the things that have been revealed to me because I want to see you walk in victory this year…no more delays in your walk, your ministry, your family, your finances, or any other thing that obtains to your life.”
A book Smith needed somewhere in the neighborhood of four years to compose — “I finished the book Christmas 2009,” she recalls — Spiritual W.A.R.F.A.R.E. Do You See What I See? has garnered a slew of rave reviews.
“Overall, the feedback has been positive and those that have read the book have had to take a long hard look at their lives and decide to confront situations and habits in their family, deal with the hurt, pain, and trauma in order to move ahead in life,” Smith told MHN. “The message I’m sending is that there are underlying causes of the trauma in our lives that must be dealt with. That no longer will ‘What’s done in the family, stays in the family’ be relevant to living a victorious life in the kingdom of God. We must be the generation that breaks every cycle in our lives that has passed down through the generations.”
Approximately a year after witnessing her authorship debut come to fruition, Smith released her sophomore book.
The title: Stop Running, Slow Down & Smell The Damned Coffee!!!: Savor The Small Things That Really Count.
Comprised of 34 pages, Stop Running, Slow Down & Smell The “Damned”” Coffee!!! reminds her readers that life is often times hectic, fast paced, dramatic and “very, very demanding,” according to breakdown of this author’s book via Amazon.com. “That is, if we allow it to be. We are given life. Not a good life, or a bad life, but life is given to us. What we make of it is totally up to us. We must dig deep to find our own niche and master it. Some and many of us will have more than one niche and that alone will require us to work harder. If we are given much, much is required of us.”

BUY PROPHETESS SMITH’S BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/Stop-Running-Smell-Damned-Coffee-ebook/dp/B01M32CJE8

Other books, Smith said, are forthcoming.
“Yes, I plan to release a continuation of Spiritual W.A.R.F.A.R.E. to look into the current events that are happening in our world and personal lives,” Smith said. “It’s titled, Doors, Windows, Cracks & Crevices…How to Close Every Gateway to the Adversary.”
As for the featured edition of Spiritual W.A.R.F.A.R.E., Smith said:
“This book works hand-in-hand with that which God has called me to do because I am not afraid of the context or content of the subject matter of the book. I have had many supernatural encounters happen to me since I was a little girl and was very afraid of the things I was experiencing at times.
“But when I answered the call upon my life and God gave me understanding of what was happening, I trust our Father and He took away the fear. He then, through process of time, caused me to know that I must help His people get delivered from the devices of the enemy.”
Not to mention become destined inspired to bear the infirmities of the weak.
In Jesus Name.

For more information about Tyler, Texas Author, Prophetess Cleautrice Smith, to inquire about her books, or to schedule her for a public appearance, book signing or speaking engagement, connect with her via Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/prophetess.c.smith; Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cleatricesmith/?hl=en; LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cleatricejsmith?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F. Send email to: [email protected].
EDITOR’S NOTE: If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist or Instagram at @makingheadlinenews.