And the Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail. And thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath, if thou hearken unto the commandments of the Lord thy God which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them. (Deuteronomy 28:13/NIV)

For Kimberly Beck, 2023 could be appropriately described as a challenging, mostly tumultuous timeframe for her.
So much so that given her rash of turbulence, she subsequently encountered what could be appropriately described as a defining moment, of sorts.
Amongst the notable reasons is that Beck managed to make her authorship debut, an awe-inspiring milestone she doesn’t mere take lightly.
“God gave me the vision to write this book in a season in my life of isolation in 2023,” Beck recalls. “It was a time in my life that I felt like God was hiding me from the world. I really found out who my real friends were at this time. I would come home from work every day and just be in silence because I wanted to hear from Him. I didn’t need any distractions at that time. I was eager to hear from him. I felt like I was at peace.”
BUY BECK’S BOOK: https://www.iamkimberlyb.org/#/

As part of Making Headline News’ 2024 Essence Music Festival advance coverage leading to the “the party with a purpose” event July 5-7 in New Orleans, Beck spoke at length about how she vividly chronicles her slew of life-altering experiences in Daily Affirmations: This Is What God Says About You, her riveting, spiritually-empowering new book that made its ceremonious debut in December 2023.
A remarkably compelling published masterpiece that is comprised of 36 pages, Beck’s faith-based written work reminds us that affirmations are positive words we say about ourselves, according to detailed breakdown of this author’s book via Amazon.com.
“This book is going to tell you what God says about you and how much he loves you,” Beck says via her Amazon page. “I also want to show you how His word lines up with what He says. The tongue is very powerful, so speak positive things over yourself daily.”
In essence, Beck doesn’t shy away from the notion that she had become greatly inspired to compose her first book in large part because steadfastly sought God for a divine sense of purpose and direction.
“I was seeking God for my purpose in life, and He told me to write a book about affirmations and tell His people what He says about them,” Beck told MHN this week. “Affirmations are positive words you say over yourself. This book will share what God says about you. God loves you and His Word lines up with what He says.”
In other words, Beck is quick to point out, we must be especially wary of the words we utter, given out of the heart — or mouth, to put it more precisely — flows the issue of life, according to God’s manual (Proverbs 4:23).
“The tongue is very powerful, so challenge yourself to speak positive things about yourself daily,” Beck, the owner and CEO of a rising online clothing business, said.
Approximately 5 ½ months removed from its release, Beck began composing Daily Affirmations: This Is What God Says About You in February 2023 and needed somewhere in the neighborhood of three months to complete a book that, much to her delight, has been as good as advertised.
“The message that I am sending to (my reading) audience is that God loves you and He wants you to know that you are beautiful, you are the apple of His eye, you are bold, you are blessed, and you are enough,” Beck explained. “You can do all things through Christ Who gives you strength. You have to speak God’s Word over you daily.”
Interestingly enough, Beck emphasized, among other things, that God is for us.
“He is not against you,” Beck says without hesitation. “Whatever you are going through in life, you can make. Don’t give up. This is God’s message to His people.”
Since the debut of her new book, Beck has become the beneficiary of an assortment of rave reviews.
“I’ve gained a lot of positive feedback about my book,” she said. “It is amazing how some people don’t realize how powerful affirmations are when you speak them over yourself.”
As for whether additional books are on the horizon, Beck said: “As for right now, I am seeking God for what He wants me to write about in the near future.”

Continued Beck:
“I just want to say that God is amazing. When I was at my lowest and I was going through a state of depression, God spoke to me and told me that I was enough because He made me from His own image. I start speaking what His word said daily and now I know that God loves me so much. I am the apple of His eye. I am blessed, I am anointed, and I am chosen by God.
“Today I am encouraging anyone who is dealing with depression that God loves you and you are loved. For someone who has low self-esteem, God said you are enough, and He wants the best for you. God loves each and every one of us. He wants His people to be happy and loved.

“He wants people to know who He is. I am so grateful that God allowed me to write this book and I pray that book reach millions of people and that they are blessed by His word.”
In the Matchless Name of Jesus.
For more information about Author/Businesswoman Kimberly Beck, to order her book, inquire about interviews, or to schedule her for a book signing, public appearance, or speaking engagement, connect with her via Facebook (Kimberly Beck) or Instagram: kbeck038. Send email to: [email protected].
WHAT’S YOUR STORY? If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist or Instagram at @makingheadlinenews.