For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18/King James Bible)

Dr. Rhonda Hodges doesn’t think she is a living testimony.
She knows full well she’s a living testimony.
Because of her bend-but-don’t break faith, she’s steadfastly gone from thinking to knowing.
To grasp a thorough understanding of why Dr. Hodges — this devout, big-hearted woman of faith — has deemed it essential to share with the masses how God time and again has strategically provided for her a way of escape, look no further than how He miraculously steered her from her dreaded season of domestic violence.
As Dr. Hodges recalls, it all unfolded some three-and-a-half decades ago.
MORE ON DR. HODGES: https://www.rhondasministry.com/
“I was 19 years old when I was a victim of domestic violence,” Dr. Hodges, 54, an esteemed Mid-South evangelist, told Making Headline News this week as part of its annual Domestic Violence Awareness Month national coverage. “I stayed in that relationship for 1 ½ years. There had been a few small fights and, at that point, I knew he wasn’t the one but when he picked me up with one hand by the neck and choked me…all because I chose to play spades at a cousin’s house.”
As Dr. Hodges recalls, while she didn’t lose consciousness amid her lover’s gruesome attack, she subsequently was left coughing severely and feared other assaults would ensue.
Suddenly, she sensed it was time to implement an exit strategy.
“At that point, I quickly started working on how to get out of the relationship,” Dr. Hodges recalls. “I never sought help.”
Continued Dr. Hodges.
“He was stalking me even when I was dating my husband…not my husband at that time…he was my boyfriend and told me that he wasn’t going anywhere. And we just celebrated 30 years of marriage. I think that’s important to know because sometimes, men tend to leave when there’s that type of drama.”
Even in the wake of what arguably was the darkest season of her young life, Dr. Hodges resorted to the very thing she was taught as a child growing up in the church.
She returned to her First Love.
“It was at that point I began to truly know the love of Christ,” Dr. Hodges, the CEO of the Blytheville, Arkansas-based Rhonda Hodges Ministries, explained. “I had always gone to church, but the abuse and shame left me shattered. So, I started going back to my home roots in Joiner (Arkansas) and began to study my Bible more.”

Generally, October is recognized as Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM).
During DVAM, victim advocates, allied professionals, survivors of abuse, their loved ones, and the surrounding community come together to mourn the lives lost to domestic violence, thus celebrate the progress that has been made to end this epidemic and connect with others working to create change.
Moreover, events to raise awareness of domestic violence and its impact on individuals, families, and communities take place throughout the year.
For instance, according to the National Library of Medicine, family and domestic violence are common problems in the United States, affecting an estimated 10 million people every year.
As Dr. Hodges explained, surviving domestic violence has played a pivotal role in helping her to transform into the godly woman she is today.
“In the natural, I learned that I could stand on my own and become a woman that was worth loving,” Dr. Hodges told MHN. “I had to re-adjust to loving myself and, most importantly, forgiving myself for what had happened to me. In the spiritual, I learned that my life had God-given purpose and that He had saved me for a reason. I realized that I was an eagle made to soar but had no idea of which direction to go.”
To her credit, it wasn’t long after God had delivered her from her dreaded season in the wilderness that was mired by domestic violence that Dr. Hodges felt greatly inspired to aid women who have endured a similar battle.
By Dr. Hodges’ standards, Empowered Women Empower Women, her credible, faith-based organization, has become a massive game-changer to the Body of Christ.
“(It has) blessed many women near and far away,” Dr. Hodges said. “Having dealt with domestic violence is actually the story behind why and how Rhonda Hodges Ministries began. Sharing my story allowed me to meet women from all walks of life.”
Not only that, considering Dr. Hodges, throughout the years, has demonstrated a wealth of resilience and perseverance amid her past battle with domestic violence has enabled her to help advance the kingdom in a variety of ways, most notably by way of hosting women’s conferences, marriage seminars, and serving as a rising motivational speaker.

Amongst the reasons is that she doesn’t think she is a living testimony.
She knows full well she’s a living testimony.
“Now 54 years old, I have chosen to not allow my past experiences…triggers from domestic violence to define me…choosing to be better and not bitter,” Dr. Hodges said. “I desire to live my life to the fullest while continuing the fight against domestic violence. Although other issues have occurred throughout my life, I have learned to protect my peace.
“God is so amazing,” Dr. Hodges continued. “He has been my guide every step of the way. In return, I just want Him to be glorified through my life. I am not perfect, but I am being perfected in His image. I will continue to serve because I feel my life has always been about making others life better.”
Today, Dr. Hodges has become a fixture for spending “countless hours throughout the year” helping women who are dealing with domestic violence.
“So, I don’t confine it to one month,” Dr. Hodges says without hesitation. “However, Domestic Violence Awareness Month is meaningful to me because it is a reminder of how God kept my mind as a seven-year-old being sexually molested by my 16-year-old cousin and spared my life at 19 years old. I remember having the fight of my life when my abuser and I were having a bad fight.
“He was kicking me and hitting me and then I saw him turn the oven on. I was screaming and was worn out, but I kept fighting,” Dr. Hodges continued. “I held on to an old chair that had a wooden leg and saying to God, ‘If you get me out of this mess, I will tell women of Your love.’”

Although she admittedly was afraid to disclose her life-altering story in large part because her abuser lived in close proximity to her residence, Dr. Hodges vividly recalls a memorable dialogue with her Creator.
“I remember what I told God,” she said. “It was tough at first because I dealt with triggers that reminded me of the hurt and pain. I would like people to know that their life has more purpose than someone trying to physically, mentally, emotionally, or financially abuse and neglect them. I would want them to know that God gave them life to enjoy, and I would strongly advise on having one person of trust who knows their plan of escape. They should always have a plan of escape and, most importantly, to never blame themselves, and to always love themselves, no matter what.
“God blessed me in spite of what the enemy tried to take from me,” Dr. Hodges added. “My family is my world. I am stronger because of them. My husband loved me the way I deserve to be loved…at a time when I barely knew how to love myself.”
Spoken like a true living testimony, one who could be suitably described as a walking miracle in the process.
For more information on Evangelist Dr. Rhonda Hodges of Rhonda Hodges Ministries, call 870-293-2627 or log on to https://www.rhondasministry.com/ . Write to: P. O. Box 773 Blytheville, Arkansas 72316. Also, send email to: [email protected].
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Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist or Instagram at @makingheadlinenews.