Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30/NIV)

Monique Duell was in dire need of what could be appropriately described as some renewed sense of enthusiasm, a trend that, much to her delight, would ultimately come to fruition by way of a life-altering book.
“God gave me the vision for this book in 2023 while I was recovering from caregiver burnout,” Duell, a Washington, D.C. native who resides in Landover, Maryland, told Making Headline News this week.
The book to which Duell is alluding is Caregiver CPR: Resuscitate, Recover, Regroup, her featured written work that has been as good as advertised.
Duell’s fourth book that made its ceremonious debut in March 2023, CPR: Resuscitate, Recover, Regroup vividly reminds readers that being a caregiver can be brutal on the mind, body, spirit and emotions, according to an in-depth breakdown of this author’s book via Amazon.com.
BUY AUTHOR DUELL’S BOOK: https://linktr.ee/moniqueduell

“Caregiver burnout is real,” said an Amazon spokesperson for Duell’s latest book. “Caregiver C.P.R. is a how-to-guide from a caregiver’s point of view that answers the questions that every caregiver struggles with.”
A book that is accompanied by 34 pages, Duell said she felt greatly inspired to compose Caregiver CPR: Resuscitate, Recover, Regroup largely out of an act of obedience to God.
“Because there are so many caregivers who are struggling mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually with the demands of being a caregiver,” Duell told MHN, adding that she only needed somewhere in the neighborhood of one month to produce her latest book.
When asked what divine message she’s aiming to send to her reading audience through Caregiver CPR, Duel said, “You can have Jesus and therapy too. There is nothing wrong with seeking counseling and or therapy to help you navigate through the caregiving journey. Jesus is not offended.
“As a matter of fact, God is pleased when we seek help. Proverbs 11:14 says, In the multitude of counselors there is safety. God uses counselors and therapists to bring us to a place of inner healing and deliverance.”

An esteemed advocate, international speaker, preacher of the gospel, author, and host of Having A Moment With Moni Podcast and Radio Show, Duell kicked off her authorship debut in 2015 with the release of Handicapped Mom.
Consequently, she authored Jeremiah The Jackrabbit, which debuted in 2021, then followed up that book with the release of Grief Is A Gangster in 2022.

Interestingly enough, Duell recently became one of a gallery of co-authors who will grace the pages of Turning My Pain Into Purpose: Volume 2, New York Visionary Author Dr. Shana Gourdine’s anthology that will debut in Spring 2025.
As for Caregiver CPR, Duell has become the beneficiary of a slew of rave reviews.
“The feedback has been phenomenal,” Duell told MHN. “I have received messages from caregivers all over the world who have benefitted from the nuggets of wisdom in my book. A few of them were from parents and guardians who were contemplating suicide. I was floored because I’ve been there. I am so grateful that God used me to make such a life-changing impact.”
Continued Duell, the founder of This Ability LLC, an organization that provides advocacy, education, support, and resources for special needs families in Prince George’s County, Maryland.
“I am a full-time caregiver, times two. My youngest son has spastic diplegia cerebral palsy and requires 24/7 care. My younger brother has autism, is non-verbal, epileptic, and also requires 24/7 care. I eat, sleep and breathe caregiving. Is it easy? Absolutely not. However, I was built for this. God continues to use my plight to not only bring awareness about real life as a caregiver, but to bring glory to His Name.”

Additional books, Duell said, are on the horizon.
“Yes, there are two in the works that’ll be released in the fall,” Duell said. “I’m so excited.”
Talk about inheriting some renewed sense of enthusiasm.
Yep. That’s just like God.
For more information on Landover, Maryland author Monique Duell, to order her books, to schedule her for a public appearance, book signing or speaking engagement, connect with her via social media: Facebook: Monique Duell/This Ability; LinkedIn: Monique Duell; Instagram: @msdeereign; YouTube: Author Monique Duell; Wisdom App: Monique Duell; Clubhouse: Monique Duell. Send email to: [email protected].
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Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist or Instagram at @makingheadlinenews.