I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:14)
WELL WORTH IT — Jackson, Tennessee-area author and businesswoman Terisa Harris-Kimmins needed approxiamtely one month to write, “To Be Loved By You: No By Me,” a 78-page book that inspires women to connect with their God-given worth.
Terisa Harris-Kimmins knows full well.
She knows full well that she undoubtedly is fearfully and wonderfully made.
She knows full well that God has strategically set her aside for His use.
She knows full well that is it better to put her trust in the Lord than to put her confidence in man.
Most of all, she knows well that when all else fails, when people let her down, when her faith seems bleak and she seems to be on shaky ground, she has her Creator to Whom she can turn.
ON THE MARKET — A 78-page, paperback written document that was officially released to the public on April 14, Harris-Kimmins said that God had given her the vision to produce this book approximately two years ago, a concept that had initially arose during which God birth her ministry called WOA, or Women of Action.
“Nobody like God!” Harris-Kimmins, a Jackson, Tennessee native found herself saying repeating during an interview with Making Headline News this week. “For we are the masterpiece of our Father, handmade just the way He designed us to be.”
To her distinct credit, Harris-Kimmins has cast more light on such thought-provoking, spiritual analogies in her new book entitled, “To Be Loved By You: No By Me.”
A 78-page, paperback written document that was officially released on April 14, Harris-Kimmins said that God had given her the vision to produce this book approximately two years ago, a concept that had initially arose as founder of her women’s ministry called, WOA, or Women of Action. In addition, she is founder of the MerCi Empowerment Ministry (or MEM), which is a ministry she strives to encourage, motivate, and empower individuals to pursue their dreams.
IF GOD SAID IT, THAT SETTLES IT — As Harris-Kimmins suggest, her readers must not concern themselves with what other say about them. Rather, they must concern themselves with what God says about them through His word.
“It is a ministry that encourages young ladies and women to love and appreciate who God designed and purposed them to be,” Harris-Kimmins explained. “I have a passion to encourage, motivate, and empower young ladies and women. Also, I chose to write this book because I see so many young ladies and women struggling with their identity and they’re looking for love and affirmation from other people.”
All of which essentially sums up why this thriving, progressive author and West Tennessee-area businesswoman poses one intriguing question when providing details about her book, which can be purchased at Amazon.com.
ROUND OF APPLA– USE — As expected, the feedback throughout “To Be Loved By You: No By Me” has been favorable. “I have received very positive feedback from women as well as men about the book,” Harris-Kimmins said. “Alot of women have thanked me for reminding them of who they are.”
That question is: Who am I?
To Harris-Kimmins’ credit, she eloquently ends the suspense surrounding such a pivotal inquiry in “To Be Loved By You: No By Me.”
“I am the masterpiece of my Father, can’t you see,” Harris-Kimmins said in answering such a question. “Handmade just the way He wanted me to be. There’s nothing that I would change about myself because I am fearfully and wonderfully made in the eyes of my craftsman.”
And, as Harris-Kimmins suggest, her readers must not concern themselves with what others say about them. Rather, they must concern themselves with what God says about them through His word.
After all, God’s stamp of approval is what counts the most.
“You may not like what you see, but I love how the Master created me,” said Harris-Kimmins as she continued to explain the purpose for her new book. “You will never find another like me. I am unique. I am a designer’s original. I am who God called me to be. Sorry…no duplicates can be made from this mode. There’s only one and that’s me, the designer’s original that you see.”
Self-love, coupled with God’s approval and large doses of favor are extremely key as well, Harris-Kimmins acknowledges through her book.
“That’s why I love me,” she said. “As you read this book, think about who God made you to be and guess what? You, too, are a designer’s original just like me. Never allow anyone to tell you who you are unless it’s the Master who created and called you from a far.”
SHE SAID IT BEST — “The message I want to send to the audience is that no matter what, love and appreciate who God designed and called you to be,” Harris-Kimmins said. “It doesn’t matter what society says about you. What matter is what you say about yourself and how you see yourself through the eyes of your Creator, which is you fearfully and wonderfully made by Him.”
Well, that’ll preach. But wait, there’s more this devout woman of faith felt compelled to get across to her readers, particularly those who are in desperate need for some encouragement for such a time as now.
“The message I want to send to the audience is that no matter what, love and appreciate who God designed and called you to be,” Harris-Kimmins said. “It doesn’t matter what society says about you. What matter is what you say about yourself and how you see yourself through the eyes of your Creator, which is you’re fearfully and wonderfully made by Him.”
As expected, the feedback through “To Be Loved By You: No By Me”has been favorable.
“I have received very positive feedback from women as well as men about the book,” Harris-Kimmins said. “Alot of women have thanked me for reminding them of who they are.”
Harris-Kimmins said now is the time to push and promote her book on a much larger platform as her schedule over the next few months is starting to fill up.
MARINATE ON THAT — And, as Harris-Kimmins suggest, her readers must not concern themselves with what other say about them. Rather, they must concern themselves with what God says about them through His word.
On September 9, she will be hosting her Third Annual WOA (Women of Action) Banquet at First Christian Church, located at 1347 Campbell Street in Jackson. Also, she will be on hand for the Millions Conference in Atlanta September 29-30.
By and large, both events will afford her the golden opportunity to promote her new book.
“This book is a part of the purpose for which God had created me, because I, too, once struggled to know who I was designed and called to be,” Harris-Kimmins said. “I can identify with young ladies and women looking for affirmation from relationships and even from people.”
Fortunately for her, she knows full well now.
That’s just like God.
For more information about Terisa Harris-Kimmins, to schedule her for booking engagements, or to order her book or T-shirts, log on to: www.terisakimmins.com.
EDITOR’S NOTE: If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist.