DALLAS — Because of whom she is and because of where God is taking her, Melody Woods is destined to savor the abundant life Christ came to give her.
For the rest of her life, mind you.
“I don’t take life for granted anymore, and I can finally say I’m putting myself first…taking care of me,” Woods told Making Headline News during a weekend interview.
GOD KEPT HER — All things considered, Houston businesswoman Melody Woods, a woman of devout faith, relied on her faith unlike never before to help steer and navigate her through such a challenging time in her life. During what was arguably the most disastrous season in the life of this accomplished Houston-based businesswoman, Woods’ young son, 25-year-old Akeem Russell, died unexpectedly on July 20, leaving the then-40-year-old mother to have to bury her beloved child. As if that wasn’t enough to rattle and shake up her family, Woods surprisingly suffered what doctors had described as a major stroke a little more than a month later, a stunning development that damaged the right side of her brain.
To grasp a full understanding of why Woods doesn’t shy away from the notion that she’s adopted a newfound lease on life, look no further than the tumultuous, frightening occurrences that havetranspired in her life in recent months.
During what was arguably the most disastrous season in the life of this accomplished Houston-based businesswoman, Woods’ son, 25-year-old Akeem Russell, died unexpectedly on July 20, leaving the then-40-year-old mother to have to bury her beloved child.
As if that wasn’t enough to rattle and shake up her family, Woods surprisingly suffered what doctors had described as a major stroke a little more than a month later, a stunning development that damaged the right side of her brain.
REFOCUSING HER FOCUS — “So often, we lose focus of what really matters, so I had to step back and re-evaluate my life and let go of some things,” Woods said. “Most of all, I had to prioritize my life. Now it’s God, myself, family, etc.”
All things considered, Woods, a woman of devout faith, relied on her faith unlike never before to help steer and navigate her through such a challenging time in her life.
“God was definitely in the midst of it all, because one thing I know, I’m a fighter and all I can think about is everything I wanted to do and say if,” said Woods, assessing how she overcame what undoubtedly was a chaotic time for her. “(Had) I given up, what am I teaching my kids? I was determined more than ever to speak again, walk again, write again…bring back my normalization.”
Much to her delight, coupled with the divine purpose for which God created her, Woods staged a dramatic comeback for the ages.
Just as she’s previously done on a number of occasions.
Not only has she re-established herself as the progressive, thriving businesswoman for which she is widely known, but Woods is devising a strategic, effective plan to rebrand her venture as she takes her business to a whole new level.
For starters, Woods’ MWG Tax And Financial Service has transitioned from the “LLC” label to “Incorporated.”
TEXAS SIZE COMEBACK — Not only has she re-established herself as the progressive, thriving businesswoman for which she is widely known, but Woods is devised a strategic, effective plan to rebrand her venture as she takes her business to a whole new level. For starters, Woods’ MWG Tax And Financial Service has transitioned to “LLC” label to “Incorporated.”
“(It is because of) growth and changing people’s mindset,” said Woods, explaining the reason for the name change of her company she organized in February 2012.
Not only that, there are a few other notable reasons for her business’ upgrade. Those are:
To establish 100 percent authenticity amongst her staff and family
To acknowledge a paradigm shift in business amongst leaders
To become more innovative and to differienate her business from her competitors and,
To attract a broader range of consumers.
“So often, we lose focus of what really matters, so I had to step back and re-evaluate my life and let go of some things,” Woods said. “Most of all, I had to prioritize my life. Now it’s God, myself, family, etc.”
JUST STAND — All things considered, Woods, a woman of devout faith, relied on her faith unlike never before to help steer and navigate her through such a challenging time in her life.
Interestingly, Woods would be the first to admit that her faith has increased mightily since having endured what she deemed the worst summer of her life.
“So often, we say we have faith and trust God when things are good,” Woods said. “From July to November, my faith was tested back-to-back till (to the point) where I just wanted to give up. I couldn’t understand why me? I pray. I do right by people, so why is this happening to me?”
What’s even more astounding was that through it all, Woods thought it essential to keep a song in her heart.
“I sung that song for months,” Woods said. “I didn’t have any fight left in me. It was too much. But when you don’t understand God’s will for your life, you just have to stand. I got tired of doing the pity party, so I started encouraging myself.”
By and large, she also had at her disposal a solid support system.
HEAVENLY PROMOTION — What Woods had ultimately found out was that the challenges she endured in the summer was a prelude for her next assignment opposite that of an entrepreneur. That’s because Woods announced that her first book — an encouraging written document that will tell of her assortment of challenges and how she managed to survive them — is presently in the works and is expected to be released some in November 2019.
“My family, mentor, and best friend played a huge part in that,” Woods said. “I had to understand this was not about me I had to go through this to help someone. God was preparing me for something that is so bigger than me.”
What Woods had ultimately found out was that the challenges she endured in the summer was a prelude for her next assignment opposite that of an entrepreneur.
That’s because Woods announced that her first book — an encouraging written document that will tell of her assortment of challenges and how she managed to survive them — is presently in the works and is expected to be released some in November 2019.
“I’m actually excited about my first book,” Woods said. “So often, people see the glory and success but not the struggle, pain, and tears. So I want the readers to know you can be successful and weather the storm.”
Just as she’s previously done on a number of occasions.
EDITOR’S NOTE:If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is the Founder and Publisher of Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, call him at 901-690-6587 or send email to [email protected] or [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist.