For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)
Might as well go ahead and get this part of Kent Osbourne II’s testimony out of the way.
He’s a high school dropout.
DRAMATIC COMEBACK FOR THE AGES — A native of Melbourne, Florida who currently resides in Atlanta, Kent Osbourne has emerged from being a high school dropout to becoming the proud owner and CEO of K.O Trucking LLC, Generation Changers International LLC, and Prison To Power Inc.
“I dropped out of school in the ninth grade,” the 40-year-old Osbourne told Making Headline News during an exclusive weekend interview.
As if that wasn’t enough to shakeup and rattle the overall landscape of Osbourne’s young life, his bolting high school prematurely had eventually given way to a flurry of other issues, considering he wound up becoming a convicted felon amid what he describes as “all kinds off oppositions,” not to mention what he referred to as a slew of “roadblocks, mountains, storms, disappointments, and letdowns.”
Still, even in the wake of his assortments of obstacles — a host of problematic occurrences that would have caused some to throw in the towel — a rather dramatic sequence of events arose of the life of this resilient young man whom, all things considered, was determined to defy the urge to quit.
How could that possibly be for a high school dropout whose decision to put his education by the wayside was supposed to have to disrupt his ability to succeed, reduce his effectiveness, thus live and dwell on the larger side of God?
“Failure was not an option,” Osbourne explained, fielding the question as if he expected it. “I was determined to succeed.”
Osbourne, in fact, recalled vividly those days during which no would hire which, truth be told, was quite understandable, considering he didn’t possess a high school diploma behind his name.
Still, just like God, he had other ideas.
“When no one wanted to hire me, I said I would start my own business and hire myself, so that’s what I did,” Osbourne said.
Much to his delight, he had done just, having become owner of not one, not two, but three businesses, a trend that has benefited him mightily throughout the years.
A native of Melbourne, Florida who currently resides in Atlanta, Osbourne is the proud owner and CEO of K.O Trucking LLC, Generation Changers International LLC, and Prison To Power Inc.
HOW YA LIKE ME NOW? Even in the wake of his assortments of obstacles — a host of problematic occurrences that would have caused some to throw in the towel — a rather dramatic sequence of events arose of the life of this resilient young man whom, all things considered, was determined to defy the urge to quit.
A little more than two decades removed from having dropped out of school, it’s safe to assume that “proud” undoubtedly is the operative word, particularly as it pertains to recalling Osbourne’s unlikely success story, given many would believe that this thriving entrepreneur was set up to fail miserably.
Still, just like God, he had other ideas.
“I always have been independent since a youth,” Osbourne said. “I never wanted a handout.”
For that reason, he sensed that the most logical remedy was to turn to selling drugs a reasonable outlet to survive and make ends meet.
“I became a big time drug dealer,” said Osbourne, who also started a record label labeled entitled, ‘Rapid Fire Records 2 LLC.’”
ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE HIM — Even after being released from prison at 22 years of age, Osbourne was not to be outdone. Heck, if nothing else, he was determined not to become so consumed with the dreaded street, a trend that could have very well sent him back to prison, or perhaps to his grave all too soon.
Even after being released from prison at 22 years of age, Osbourne was not to be outdone. Heck, if nothing else, he was determined not to become so consumed with the dreaded street, a trend that could have very well sent him back to prison, or perhaps to his grave all too soon.
“Even when I was in the streets at 22, I was always a boss, whether it was selling drugs or running my record label,” Osbourne explained. “I’ve always had that entrepreneur spirit.”
To his credit, the only things that has changed with regard to exemplifying an “entrepreneur spirit” is that Osbourne is generating his income the old-fashioned way.
He’s earning it.
Legally, mind you.
“When the going got tough, the tough got going,” said Osbourne, whose business venture caters to people of all ages. “Now that I have God on my side Who gives the increase. Nothing can stop me from accomplishing my goals. As long as I keep God first, I’m going to accomplish so much more. This is only the beginning.”
Today, unlike never before, Osbourne doesn’t shy away from the notion that his primary mission through his business ventures is to provide service to people, save souls, touch lives, and also to motivate, inspire, and empower others to live to their fullest potential.
“I was inspired to do all this by a man in prison,” Osbourne said. “He told me if I wanted to be successful I needed to seek God. Once I listened to this man who came from the same dark place I did, I went to church in prison like he told me to, and the rest was history.”
It is, by all accounts, because he heeded some worthy advice and counsel while behind bars that Osbourne is yet walking in the divine purpose for which God created him.
SET ASIDE FOR GOD’S USE — Today, unlike never before, Osbourne doesn’t shy away from the notion that his primary mission through his business ventures is to provide service to people, save souls, touch lives, and also to motivate, inspire, and empower others to live to their fullest potential.
On April 19, for example, he will be afforded the opportunity to share of his life-enhancing testimonies during a Houston-based correctional institution black tie event.
To his credit, his itinerary is starting to fill up mightily, given he’s scheduled to make public appearances in several places across the country through the end of the year.
So you might wanna book him now while you can.
“What I like most about being my business is that I’m able to make my own decisions, work when I want, work how long I want, work as hard as I want, make as much money as I want, and don’t have to worry about anyone telling me what I can, and what I can’t do,” Osbourne said. “You have the same ability I have if you would just transform your mind, and change the way you think.”
Much like he did some two decades ago.
Look at him today, living out his dreams, thus walking in the purpose for which God created him.
So much for dropping out of high school way back when.
For more information about Atlanta-based businessman Kent Osbourne, connect with Facebook under “Kent Osbourne.” Also to book him for an appearance or speaking engagement, call (386) 286-1987 or (321)704-3388. Also, email him at: [email protected]
EDITOR’S NOTE:If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist.