DALLAS — Although the first month of the New Year is about reach its midway point, 2019 is already shaping up to be a rather memorable, festive, banner one for Tyneisha Renai Collins.
For starters, Collins will welcome in her 30th birthday on Monday during a celebratory party with a gallery of loved ones, friends, and close acquaintances.
As if that isn’t enough to bring to all smiles this beloved Arkansas educator and the 2017 Making Headline News Woman of the Year, Collins will witness the much anticipated release of her second book entitled, “I AM QUEEN ENOUGH.”

A written work that is comprised of a 136-page paperback and 91-page eBook edition, Collins’ sophomore book will debut nearly two years after the release of “I AM QUEEN,” her 194-page initial project that sold in unprecedented numbers and gave way to this Bronx, New York native being the beneficiary of a number of awards and accolades in the process.
“In my first book, I declared that ‘I AM QUEEN’ which sparked a huge movement amongst Queens all over the world,” Collins told Making Headline News during a weekend interview. “Now in the second book, not only am I declaring once again that ‘I AM QUEEN,’ I am also declaring that ‘I AM QUEEN ENOUGH’ to persevere through any and everything.”
BUY TYNEISHA’S BOOK HERE: https://www.amazon.com/AM-QUEEN-ENOUGH-Tyneisha-Collins-ebook/dp/B07KY3GG2G/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1547155722&sr=8-1&keywords=I+am+Queen+enough

Just like during her ceremonious authorship debut when she created a national buzz through “I AM QUEEN,” Collins’ latest project figures to attract a similar response.
“Tyneisha’s first book has spawned the occurrence of her second book being presented to not only divulge a previously unknown situation, but Tyneisha implodes and explodes in ways that not only confirm her first book’s revelation knowledge, but also through her courage and due diligence she deals with the good, the not so good, and the not so pretty, taking it all in and fully understanding where to go and exactly what to do,” said a spokesperson for Collins’ book at Amazon.com.
“Read, remember, and enjoy, then realize and know it, too, that we all, —whether male or female — can persevere and become and KINGS ENOUGH and QUEENS ENOUGH when we look to our Father, the Lord Jesus Christ in spirit and truth.”
All things considered, Collins, who can greatly attest to what it’s like to press and navigate through arguably the toughest of hardships, emphasized, among other things, that her latest book is a continuation of the her God-mandated assignment.
WHO IS TYNEISHA RENAI COLLINS? https://www.iamqueen.net/

“The single most underlying reason why I chose to produce this book is because I am a child of God that strives to do God’s work. I saw the tremendous impact that my first book, ‘I AM QUEEN,’ had on Queens all over the world, and I wanted to continue to inspire more Queens through my own life and mind blowing transparency.” — Author Tyneisha Renai Collins
To her credit, Collins wasted little time assembling Book No. 2.
Having commenced to constructing I AM QUEEN ENOUGH in January 2018, Collins need somewhere in the neighborhood of nine months to write her latest book as the manuscript was complete in September 2018.
BUY TYNEISHA COLLINS’ HERE: https://m.barnesandnoble.com/s/Tyneisha+Collins

“I like to take my time when writing and strategically mapping out how I’m going to reach my readings and properly convey my overall message, which takes a lot of prayer and seeking God through it all,” Collins said.
Much to her delight, God certainly guided her mightily through her newest published project just as He had done in the previous one.
Which, to Collins’ credit, has only added to what figures to be a year to remember, considering along with turning 30 and witnessing the release of a new book on January 14, she will be exchanging nuptials with CJay Reed, the love of her life later this year.

“My supporters have expressed their excitement about my new book, because in my first book, I left some questions unanswered about my personal life, which led to them being very anxious to read my new book,” Collins, who teaches at Osceola North Elementary School, explained. “My new book lines up with my purpose, because I believe that it will touch just as many lives as my first book. My ultimate purpose in life is to help others become a better version of themselves and because of my obedience and transparency in my books, I truly believe I will always be able to reach QUEENs all over the world.”

As for whether her reading audience can expect a third book, while Collins didn’t announce that something of that nature is set in stone, she surely hasn’t totally ruled it out either.
“In regards to writing other books, only God knows what the future holds for me,” Collins said. “But I will say this: if God gives me an assignment to write another book, I will honor His wishes and write another book.”
Then again, Collins essentially sounded very much like someone who just might have another published book in her spirit, given all through which she has gone and had to overcome and conquered.

“I am an overcomer of low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, and rejection,” Collins said. “I will be 30 on January 14 and to celebrate reaching such a monumental milestone in my life that I didn’t never thought I was going to reach, I have decided to gift (my supporters) with my new book.
“Most people buy a house, take an amazing trip, or do something they have never done for their 30th birthday, but in true QUEEN fashion, I had to go into my 30th year in the most unique way — QUEEN style by simply choosing to invest in myself and the world with my second book, ‘I AM QUEEN ENOUGH.’”
Enough said.
For more information about Osceola, Arkansas-area Author Tyneisha Renai Collins, or to schedule her for a book signing or speaking engagement, connect with her via social media at: https://www.facebook.com/tyneisha.collins. Also, connect with her at https://www.iamqueen.net/.
EDITOR’S NOTE: If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist.