Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. (Habakkuk 2:2 NKJV)

To her distinctly unique credit, Tameka Washington’s featured business endeavor emerged by way of what she describes as stress and scalp trauma.
To God be the glory for showing up at just the right time to help her erase the memory of what undoubtedly was an unpromising situation.
“Our vision was birthed and created in 2019 from a need to regrow my personal natural hair as well as nourishing my daughter’s natural hair,” Washington, 46, told Making Headline News this week. “Due to stress and scalp trauma, my hair began to decline with hair loss, thinning and balding edges. I tried numerous products and to no avail, I never obtained results. My hair needed nutrients that were missing in the products on the shelf.”
As Washington vividly recalls, however, God subsequently began to greatly empower her to stretch her faith in ways unimaginable.
“I began my research and essential oil creations in 2019, using ancient essential oil combinations with various nutrients needed to reverse my hair loss. I began using the oils and was amazed. I experienced immediate results.”

MORE ON WASHINGTON’S VENTURE: https://www.sheseoils.com/
And, the rest, as they say, was history.
And it came to pass, the ceremonious launch of Shesé Holistic Essential Oils, Washington’s Houston-based venture that has become a fixture for customarily providing holistic healing and health for hair follicles while promoting mental wholeness.
“Our passion is to enhance outer beauty and bring awareness to holistic mental health through the avenue of essential oils,” said a spokesperson for Shesé Holistic Essential Oils in a detailed introduction of this nationally-acclaimed company on its Facebook business page.

Two years removed from its notable inception, Washington has witnessed her canny invention soar to immeasurable heights in various aspects, a trend that, by all accounts, is starting to prove beneficial to her family.
“I progressed to applying the oils to my daughters’ hair to ignite and optimize their hair health,” Washington said. “We all have different hair types — 3C, 4A, 4B, 4C, and combination types — and I needed to see if various hair types would benefit from the product. Results were tremendous. All of my daughters have long, flowing, healthy, and nourished hair. This was awesome, but the next discovery blew my mind, literally. As I used these oils, I experienced mental clarity, relaxation, cognitive improvement, reduction of headaches, tranquility, alertness, increased energy, reduction of stress, improved sleep, and mood stabilizing.”
In essence, Washington appropriately labels her featured venture “a true awakening.”

So much for the proverbial “stress and scalp trauma” she previously endured for an extended period of time.
“Not only will our essential oils renew and improve your hair, but they will also revitalize your mental capacity,” Washington explained. “There is not another product that exist to achieve our mission to bring wholeness to your mind, hair, and spirit. Growth begins inwardly and protrudes outwardly as we become healthier. We are not stating our products will heal your mental health challenges and illnesses, but they will promote your healing process.”
When asked what she likes the most about her progressive, thriving business, Washington appropriately alluded to the familiar Biblical passage that is Proverbs 13:22.
“I was looking to build an empire and legacy that would be an inheritance for my children’s children,” Washington, a native of Houston, said. “I was inspired to create wealth for my young girls ages five and eight.”

Interestingly enough, Washington and her husband thought it necessary to name the family’s company after their daughters — they uniquely combined their names, to put it more precisely — so they could see entrepreneurship “within” themselves.
“Not only does our line help so many clients pursue inward and outer beauty, it is also empowering young black girls achieve their dreams,” Washington said. “My girls and I would say the name, ‘Shese,’ to each other and dream as to where it would go, but to see this dream a reality has taken them to another level of belief and faith.”
While Shesé Holistic Essential Oils essentially is still in what would be considered the infancy stages, Washington is grateful of her company’s continuous progression, considering she’s sold several units locally and throughout the Lone Star State. In addition, Shesé Holistic Essential Oils are starting to attract a credible presence via Amazon, and Washington announced she will be traveling to Atlanta later this month to introduce her family’s products during a business convention.
A graduate of Houston’s James Madison High School, Washington earned an Associate Degree in Biblical Studies from the College of Biblical Studies. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Counseling and is on schedule to graduate in 2022.
“The sky is the limit, and we are open to the doors that will be opened unto us,” Washington said of the fervent rise of Shesé Holistic Essential Oils. “God gave the vision and the ability, (and I thank) my husband for covering me and believing in me, (as well as) my children and my mommy — my Naomi — who has always been my supporter and intercessor.
MORE ON WASHINGTON’S VENTURE: https://www.sheseoils.com/

“My mission is for Shese’ to be a vehicle for equipping girls and women of every nationality to believe again,” Washington continued. “It is never too late to discover your purpose and strive to fulfill it. I desire inner and outer health and healing for all girls and women as well. The Shese’ Movement will forever strive to empower and encourage growth from within that can only be unlocked by obedience to God, as well as faith in God.”
So much for the proverbial “stress and scalp trauma” she previously endured for an extended period of time.

For more information on Houston Businesswoman Tameka Washington of Shesé Holistic Essential Oils, to inquire about her products, or to schedule her for public appearance or speaking engagement, call 346.606.8424 or connect with her via Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/SheseOils/?ref=page_internal. Send email to: [email protected].
EDITOR’S NOTE: If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist or Instagram at @makingheadlinenews.