Rejoice always! Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18/ESV)

For Shuntae High Chatman, it is a divine connection by which she doesn’t merely take lightly.
“This book was predestined by God through the visionary Dr. Renee Huffman,” Chatman told Making Headline News this week.
The book to which Chatman is alluding is V.I.P. Victorious In Prayer: All Access Granted, the highly-anticipated anthology that is spearheaded by Dr. Huffman, a three-time global bestseller author and publisher.
An informative, compelling, faith-based book that made its ceremonious debut in May 2023, V.I.P. Victorious In Prayer: All Access Granted is comprised of nine co-authors who have joined forces to shine the spotlight on a variety of pivotal subjects and issues that are greatly shaping the Body of Christ and our world.
BUY CHATMAN’S BOOKS: https://www.shuntaehighchatman.com/

Generally, V.I.P is an acronym that stands for Victory In Prayer.
As part of Making Headline News’ 2023 Essence Music Festival advance coverage leading to the “the party with a purpose” event June 29-July 3 in New Orleans, Chatman expressed how delighted she is to have crossed paths with ministry co-laborer, Dr. Huffman, to collaborate for an anthology that has created a fervent buzz across various message boards and social media platforms.
“We were all on one according concerning being victorious in prayer,” Chatman said of partnering with Dr. Huffman and eight fellow co-authors.
To her credit, the Los Angeles-based writer addressed the chapter entitled, Marriage.
Other chapters in V.I.P. Victorious In Prayer: All Access Granted include: Our Prayer Points, Healing, Family, Children, Business, Family With Special Needs, and Her Strength.
“My chapter focuses on being victorious in prayer in marriages,” Chatman, a kingdom-based, ambassador for Christ who is suitably known in the Body of Christ as a leader, intercessor, psalmist, mentor, and teacher.
A native of Los Angeles, Chatman is a licensed and ordained minister who has become a fixture for serving faithfully in various capacities, all the while exemplifying solid providing leadership, love, and loyalty.
Chatman in 2017 garnered high praise for establishing the Confident Woman Ministries, a rising credible organization that is birthed out of her passion to equip women to be bold in faith through effective prayers.

To her credit, Chatman is the architect of The Confident Woman 7-Day Prayer Journal: Bold Faith. Bold Prayers, her featured book that made its ceremonious debut in April 2021.
A literally written work that is comprised of 45 pages in length, Chatman’s The Confident Woman 7-Day Prayer Journal: Bold Faith. Bold Prayers is designed to teach women to become intentional in their prayers, as well as help them grow spiritually and mentally.
“Begin praying the prayers and embrace the format at any time,” said a spokesperson in a detailed synopsis of Chatman’s featured book at Amazon.com. “The Confident Woman 7 Day Prayer Journal consists of word definition, an inscription from the Holy Bible, exhortation for encouragement, intercession prompts, a declaration for your day and space for notation. Read, meditate, pray, and write.”
Interestingly enough, Chatman is a co-author for Esther’s Royal Code, a collaborative book that’s also hosted by Dr. Huffman.
In this book, Chatman’s chapter focuses primarily on being strategic through fasting and prayer, she said.

Having acquired a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Christian Education from Bible Believers Bible College and Seminary, Chatman is licensed by New Jerusalem Christian Center School of Ministry for Spiritual Warfare, Evangelism-Outreach Ministry, and Christ Genealogy and Demonology.
Married to Abijah Chatman for the past 15 years, Chatman is a devoted mother of three: DeAndre, 23, Elijah, 16, and Nevaeh, 10.
Also, Chatman is a recipient of the Legacy Builder Award, an honor she received in May as a Community Champion.
Chatman in 2019 started a prayer call that takes place every Monday, a kingdom-enhancing endeavor she said was “prompted by the Holy Ghost and still going strong,” she told MHN.
For more information about Los Angeles Author/Businesswoman Shuntae High Chatman, to order her books, schedule her for a book signing, public appearance, or speaking engagement, connect with her via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shuntae.chatman; Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shuntaehighchatman/?hl=en; LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shuntae-high-32426919a. Send email to: [email protected].
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Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist or Instagram at @makingheadlinenews.