I have seen something else under the sun. The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned, but time and chance happen to them all. (Ecclesiastes 9:11 NIV)

LANCASTER, Texas — As Marvastine Nichols vividly recalls, it wasn’t supposed to unfold this way.
Still, what she had ultimately come to discover is that God had other plans.
“Originally, this was not the original story,” Nichols, during a recent interview with Making Headline News, said, recalling the memorable developments surrounding the production of her first book. “It was totally different in 2021 when I started the Mastermind Class. I’m so thankful to have a great mentor to help navigate me. It was a big turnaround in the right direction that I needed to help fulfill my purpose.”
The “turnaround” to which Nichols is alluding is centered in large part on Pursuing Purpose In The Midst of It All, her highly-anticipated new book that is currently in the presale order phase at https://marvastinenichols.bigcartel.com/product/pursuing-purpose-in-the-midst-of-it-all.
BUY NICHOLS’ BOOK: https://marvastinenichols.bigcartel.com/

The hardcopy version of Nichols’ book will be officially available in September.
As part of Making Headline News’ advance coverage of Sarah Jakes Roberts’ inaugural Woman Evolve Conference September 14-16 from Globe Life Field in Arlington, Texas, Nichols emphasized, among other things, how Pursuing Purpose In The Midst of It All is a book that is “way bigger than me.”
“It’s about inspiring and motivating others to be the best version of themselves, regardless of their past circumstances or trauma,” Nichols explained. “Someone is waiting on us to speak up and let our light shine.”
A native of Monticello, Arkansas, — a rural college town in Drew County that is comprised of roughly 9,467 residents, according to the latest U. S. census — Nichols said her new book had been fully written since last fall.
“I actually finished it last fall before sending it to the editor,” Nichols said. “I was consistent like I should have been. My family insured me throughout the process. I’d be working on the book and my son would be doing his homework while on the phone.”
As Nichols explained, she had always envisioned composing a book she sensed would help advance the kingdom.
Mission accomplished for this Garland, Texas-based writer, whose authorship debut has been nothing short of incredible.


When asked what divine message she’s aiming to send to her audience through Pursuing Purpose In The Midst of It All, Nichols said: “I put God first and steadily keep the faith. I don’t know any other way. If I can overcome the obstacles in my life, so can you.”
Since word spread of her forthcoming book, Nichols has become the beneficiary of an array of rave reviews.
“A reader mentioned the first chapter got them engaged and it had touched their heart,” Nichols recalls. “Meaning, he’s from the younger generation and mentioned that this book may even save someone’s life.”
For Nichols, her rise to becoming a first-time published author comes amid humble beginnings.
“I’ve been through many heartaches growing up and it hasn’t been easy,” Nichols said. “But God still has me here to pursue my purpose. I’m a GED graduate and very proud of myself. I was so depressed during that time (of pursuing my GED). My God, I was so embarrassed and ashamed of myself. I knew I could’ve did better.”
Much to her delight, Nichols has steadfastly made good out of an unfavorable situation, as evidenced by her milestone of acquiring her high school diploma, coupled with emerging as a first-time author.
Yep, that’s just like God.
“Although my past of stains of molestation and rape tarnished my childhood and youth, I took those stones and built my inner strength,” Nichols told MHN. “I’ve dealt with anxiety and depression for a number of years. If I find myself when life hits us sometimes, I try to keep a positive mindset. I remember to trust God through it all.”
Never mind if it wasn’t supposed to unfold a certain way.