BRIDGING A KINGDOM-BASED GAP — At the request of Greater Community Pastor Matthew Brown, TH.D., the Frederick and Samantha Walker in February 2017 assumed the monumental task of spearheading and relaunching the church’s Young Adult And College Ministry through an organization widely known as the Bridge at ATL. Having become a full fledge configuration on April 30, 2017, the BRIDGE’s primary emphasis is geared largely toward supporting young adults, particularly those as they navigate through their time of academic and/or vocational preparation toward their respective careers while enhancing their spiritual growth and faith walk, a spokesperson for GCC said.
MARIETTA, Georgia — Knowledge is power.
Surely, while we’ve all heard — or perhaps uttered — such a familiar catchphrase, as far as enriching and enhancing one’s life goes, Greater Community Church Of God In Christ’s mission includes, among other things, ensuring that its members thoroughly grasp the notion of just how powerful knowledge is — both in the spiritual and natural realms.
“In today’s society, social media is vital,” Greater Community member newcomer Minister Frederick Walker told Making Headline News during a recent interview.
And to GCC’s credit, Walker and his wife, Samantha Walker, are routinely devising ways to aid young adults mightily, particularly as it pertains to maximizing their potential by way of achieving their lofty educational goals and objectives.
At the request of Greater Community Pastor Matthew Brown, TH.D., the Walkers in February 2017 assumed the monumental task of spearheading and relaunching the church’s Young Adult And College Ministry through an organization widely known as the Bride at ATL.
Having become a full fledge configuration on April 30, 2017, the Bride at ATL’s primary emphasis is geared largely toward supporting young adults, particularly those as they navigate through their time of academic and/or vocational preparation toward their respective careers while enhancing their spiritual growth and faith walk, a spokesperson for GCC said.
For starters, the chief concept was to establish a young adult and college ministry, of sorts, one that would be accompanied by what the Walkers described as a “regional influence” while having a permanent establishment housed at nearby Kennesaw State University.
That, in a nutshell, was all a part of Pastor Matthew Brown’s vision from the outset.
Given the Bride at ATL is in its infancy, this organization is currently comprised of a little more than 50 enrollees, the Walkers said, although their regular discussion group via GroupMe exceeds somewhere around 100 views, while their Facebook-based Inspirational and Life Skills videos customarily amass more than 1,000 views.
The rest, as they say, was history.
“Christian young adults are being connected with others who share the same Biblical beliefs, values and spiritual goal-building a strong community of support and encouragement,” said Samantha Walker, when asked what is especially intriguing about the Bride at ATL. “They are being inspired to grow in their faith and given opportunities to serve in ministry utilizing while enhancing the gifts God placed in them.
THE UNIVERSITY OF JESUS — With the oversight and guidance from Pastor Brown and the support of a solid and resourceful multi-generational team, the Bridge at ATL was officially approved as a chartered KSU-based organization in May 2017 and had effectively gone into operations approximately three months later. The rest, as they say, was history.
What’s even more astounding, Samantha acknowledged, is that the Godly witnesses of those enrolled in this institution essentially becomes more effectively, especially in this, our sometime controversial and divided modern-day church era.
“They are being prepared to be more effective witnesses for Christ by expanding the Kingdom and being leaders in the marketplace, their communities and the church,” Samantha said.
GREATER IS COMING TO GREATER — Although this newly-established organization is a few months removed from his inception, it’s safe to assume that GCC’s the Bridge at ATL’s best and brightest days are well ahead of it.
Given the Bridge at ATL is in its infancy, this organization is currently comprised of a little more than 50 enrollees, the Walkers said, although their regular discussion group via GroupMe exceeds somewhere around 100 views, while their Facebook-based Inspirational and Life Skills videos customarily amass more than 1,000 views.
Although this newly-established organization is a few months removed from his inception, it’s safe to assume that GCC’s the Bridge at ATL’s best and brightest days are well ahead of it.
“Let’s all do our part in outreach right here at home by encouraging our young adults whether they take a college path or a vocational one,” Frederick said. “Help us be the bridge that encourages and assists young adults to crossover into their God-given destiny by completing their degree programs or vocational training to have successful careers but, more importantly, help them become the church of today and tomorrow.”
Because after all, knowledge is power — both in the spiritual and natural realms.
EDITOR’S NOTE:If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist.