Just after midday CST on Thursday, Jessica Smothers took to her Facebook page, where she installed a rather intriguing post that began with three vital words.
“NEW BOOK ALERT!!!” Smothers, a native of Laplace, Louisiana who resides in nearby Slidell, announced before her 350 social media friends before enlightened them on her book debut.
GOD’S LEADING LADY — Accomplished Louisiana-based author Jessica Smothers is the mastermind behind the awe-inspiring, spiritually gut checking project entitled, Deliver Me From Me, an emotionally-driven book that depicts Smothers’ assortment occurrences she’s endured throughout her life, most notably rejection, brokenness, bitterness, the proverbial orphan spirit, even abandonment.
“If you haven’t ordered my new book, I highly recommend it,” Smothers continued in her post. “Not just because I wrote it, but it will truly bless you.”
The book to which Smothers is alluding is her awe-inspiring, spiritually gut-checking project entitled Deliver Me From Me™an emotionally-driven book that depicts Smothers assortment occurrences she’s endured throughout her life, most notably her battles with rejection, brokenness, bitterness, the proverbial orphan spirit, even abandonment.
All things considered, Smothers, exemplifying an array of transparency, appropriately shares with her reading audience a slew of encounters that stemmed from her childhood, including — but not limited to — suicidal thoughts, dysfunctional families, arrested development, self-image issues, identity crisis and confusion, insecurities molestation, abortion, and what she refers to as a “host of things hidden secrets,” many of which are customarily holding us hostage in the process.
To her credit, she cautions us that if we aren’t careful, if we don’t turn to and sell out completely to God, we will, in turn, become even more bound or, as she tells it, spiritually hijacked — a downward, gruesome trend that could serve as a devastating blow to our destiny.
“Basically, (we’ve got to) get delivered from self,” Smothers told Making Headline News in a recent interview, during which she provided extensive details of her book.
And because Smothers is confident of that notion that countless individuals throughout the Body of Christ will be impacted mightily through her book, she deemed it a foregone conclusion to label Deliver Me From Me as a driving force for her ministry.
KINGDOM IMPACT — Because Smothers is confident of that notion that countless individuals throughout the Body of Christ will be impacted mightily through her book, she deemed it a foregone conclusion to label Deliver Me From Me as a driving force for her ministry.
“These books are part of my ministry,” Smothers said. “My ministry deals with healing and deliverance.”
Interestingly, Smothers knows full well that had she not been delivered from an array of fiery trials and obstacles, God would not have handpicked her to compose an inspiring book for such a time as now.
“Holistically (through the total woman spirit), soul, and body, you have to be delivered before you can help someone else get delivered,” Smothers explained. “Why? Because the demonic spirits you are trying to cast out, expel out, and drive out that person will expose you those demonic spirits to work in you. Deliverance is the children’s bread. Jesus cast out every demonic spirit.”
WOMAN OF WISDOM — To her credit, Smothers cautions us that if we aren’t careful, if we don’t turn to and sell out completely to God, we will, in turn, become even more bound or, as she tells it, spiritually hijacked, a downward, gruesome trend that could serve as a devastating blow to our destiny.
A book Smothers began assembling in October 2017, she needed somewhere in the neighborhood of three months to complete a project that is scheduled to officially hit the market on March 31.
Currently, consumers can preorder Deliver Me From Me at www.gumroad.com/jsmothers, according to periodic announcements by the author on her Facebook page.
By and large, Smothers, who’s already starting to take speaking engagement requests to promote her new book, emphasized that Deliver Me From Me is for virtually everyone who need some form of God-manifested deliverance.
“I wanted to share my story with others,” Smothers said. “We need deliverance from self-inner issues. I am a kingdom transit system for the Kingdom of God. God revealed to me that women desperately need deliverance beyond the pulpit. (They need it) in the pulpit their lives, ministry, and business.”
Which, to her credit, practically sums up why she took to her Facebook page just after midday Thursday, during which she installed a rather post that began with three vital words.
“NEW BOOK ALERT!!!” Smother announced with such authority.
Now that such a vital announcement has been publicly made, go and buy this awe-inspiring book, one that was appropriately composed by one of God’s handpicked spokespersons.
For more information about Author Jessica Smothers or to purchase her book or request speaking engagements, connect with her via Facebook under “Jessica Smothers.” Also, she can be reached via email at: [email protected].
EDITOR’S NOTE:If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist.