Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8 NIV)
GOD’S PLAN — A native of the Bronx, New York, Evangelist Nodella Jordan is the mastermind behind two remarkably compelling books: “The Intimate Place: My God, My Man, Myself” and “Sassy: The Perfect Life.”
Nearly six years ago is when it all began to unfold.
Evangelist Nodella Jordan was amongst a gallery of attendees at a worship service.
That is when the Holy Spirit began to speak to her unlike never before.
“It was prophesied to me to write two books,” Jordan, during an interview this week with Making Headline News, said, recalling the memorable developments that contributed mightily to her becoming a Christian-based author. “I figured it would be something I did once I retired.”
As Jordan had ultimately discovered, though, God had other plans which, to her surprise, had called for her to retire much sooner than she envisioned.
A book that is a little more than four years removed from its much-anticipated release, Jordan’s “The Intimate Place: My God, My Man, Myself” is highlighted by “Intimate” being broken down immensely, a word this author said could either ignite discomfort and/or confusion among people, according to a detailed introduction of Jordan’s book at
“Well, little did I know, God had me to retire in August 2014 at the age of 46 and relocated and shifted me to Baltimore,” Jordan explained. “This was a very long journey, because I didn’t want to move from Connecticut being that it was where I grew up, attended school, my family and friends were there, as well as I was well-known, too. However, after a year of fighting with God, I finally heeded His wish and shifted.”
And, because of her steadfast act of obedience, God has rewarded her mightily, not just through ministry, but as an accomplished writer.
A native of the Bronx, New York, Jordan is the mastermind behind two remarkably compelling books: “The Intimate Place: My God, My Man, Myself” and “Sassy: The Perfect Life.”
SET ASIDE FOR GOD’S USE — All things considered, Jordan doesn’t shy away from the notion that she’s overwhelmingly grateful that God is steadily using her to help advance the kingdom — even through the ever-so-competitive world of authorship.
A book that is a little more than four years removed from its much-anticipated release, Jordan’s “The Intimate Place: My God, My Man, Myself” is highlighted by “Intimate” being broken down immensely, a word this author said could either ignite discomfort and/or confusion among people, according to a detailed introduction of Jordan’s book at
Interestingly and to her credit, Jordan goes as far as to enlighten her readers on intimacy, particularly as it relates to what she refers to as relationship capacity.
“For Christians, explaining to others about spiritual intimacy with the Heavenly Father can be even more difficult, considering it’s intimacy with someone that can’t be touched or seen,” said an Amazon spokesperson for Jordan’s ‘The Intimate Place: My God, My Man, Myself’ which was released officially on June 30, 2015. “Yet becoming personal with God in a relationship allows intimacy to not only be felt between God and you, but it also improves soul ties you share with others and yourself.”
A Christian fictional narrative, Jordan’s “Sassy: The Perfect Life” depicts the life of Sassy, whom this author describes as a “strong-willed and persistent” young woman, one whom dreamt of having the perfect life complete with a fulfilling career and a loving family, according to synopsis of her book at
And then there is “Sassy: The Perfect Life,” Jordan’s latest book that made its ceremoniously release on the market on November 28, 2018.
A Christian fictional narrative, Jordan’s “Sassy: The Perfect Life” depicts the life of Sassy, whom this author describes as a “strong-willed and persistent” young woman, one whom dreamt of having the perfect life complete with a fulfilling career and a loving family, according to synopsis of her book at
Along her path, she must overcome many obstacles to get to her perfect life, Jordan writes in her latest published work.
Jordan, in fact, acknowledges that Sassy was still determined to build a strong foundation for herself, one that would be comprised of her having achieved her childhood dream in the process.
IN HER OWN WORDS — “Well, little did I know, God had me to retire in August 2014 at the age of 46 and relocated and shifted me to Baltimore,” Jordan explained. “This was a very long journey, because I didn’t want to move from Connecticut being that it was where I grew up, attended school, my family and friends were there, as well as I was well-known, too. However, after a year of fighting with God, I finally heeded His wish and shifted.”
“Sassy was a resilient, independent woman with the motivation and perseverance to achieve her dreams of becoming a great defense attorney,” said a spokesperson for Jordan’s “Sassy: The Perfect Life.’ “Her intelligence and strong work ethic gave her the ability to succeed in school, even at the competitive Villanova University Law School.”
To her credit, Jordan announced that Part 2 of her latest book is effectively underway. Not to be outdone, she said many have inquired about a second edition of “The Intimate Place,” although she “haven’t gotten to it yet,” she told MHN.
“I just don’t want to put out anything for the sake of doing it, but there must be a need and purpose for it,” Jordan said. “I do have a list of approximately eight or more books that I would like to write, but I am led by Holy Spirit what to write about. I don’t write to become wealthy or famous.”
However, rest assured that Jordan, a founder and CEO of NSJ Ministries, does, in fact, write as a strategic way to help advance the kingdom.
“I was concerned with seeing church-goers struggle to be intimate with The God they said they had a relationship with, mostly during worship and church service,” Jordan said. “The least little thing would pull them out of that zone. When you are truly in a place of intimacy, you don’t allow anything or anyone to interfere with it.
“I further identify in my (second) book five types of intimacy that we overlook on a regular basis though they’re part of our daily lives,” Jordan continued. “I want us to be intentional, purposeful, and conscious about the times we are in a moment of intimacy — non-sexual that is — and not just take it as a non-meaningful encounter.”
To her credit, Jordan announced Part 2 of her latest book is effectively underway. Not to be outdone, she said many have inquired about a second edition of “The Intimate Place,” although she “haven’t gotten to it yet,” she told MHN.
All things considered, Jordan doesn’t shy away from the notion that she’s overwhelmingly grateful that God is steadily using her to help advance the kingdom — even through this ever-so-competitive world of authorship.
“Not everyone has the gift to write quality books, though there are thousands of books published a week or maybe even per day,” Jordan said. “My books are not limited to only spiritual and Christian-type books. Yes, I’m a minister, but when the word was prophesied to me to write two books, it was not given with specifics that they had to be Christian genre.”
Talk about having a massive and influential kingdom impact.
For more information on Baltimore-area Author Nodella Jordan, to order her books, or schedule her for a book signing or speaking engagement, connect with her via social media at: Email her at: [email protected].
EDITOR’S NOTE:If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist.