Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons. (Acts 10:34 KJV)

As far as the above Biblical passage goes, what the writer Luke is essentially insinuating is this:
God doesn’t merely show favoritism to His people.
Never mind that Mid-South-area minister, Prophet Larry McNair, has been strategically handpicked by God to oversee a sizable flock at the tender age of 24.
All that matters, quite frankly, is that McNair and his wife, Elect Lady Justice McNair, have joined forces to collectively advance the kingdom as the beloved appointed leaders of Higher Dimensions Harvest Temple.
A church that’s located at 121 South George Street in Petal, Mississippi, — a rural establishment in Forrest County along the Leaf River that is comprised of roughly 10,454 residents, according to the latest U. S. census — Higher Dimensions Harvest Temple has become a fixture in the outskirts of nearby Hattiesburg, in large part because the McNairs continue to exemplify that, well, age ain’t nothing but a number.
A first-generation preacher who was raised in the Baptist church, Prophet McNair’s rise to becoming the Senior Pastor of a progressive ministry comes amid humble beginnings.
Prophet McNair, in fact, had spent most of his life being raised in his grandparents’ home, where strict rules and Biblical principles had become an integral part of life.
“Being raised by my grandparents, they taught me accountability, responsibility, and the Word of God,” McNair told Making Headline News this week. “They have been the best support system I’ve ever experienced.”
A little more than a decade-and-a-half removed from having fully accepted his divine calling to preach the Gospel, Prophet McNair recalls having witnessed God positioning him for ministry at the tender age of five.
MORE ON HDHT CHURCH: https://www.facebook.com/HDHTCHURCH/
Never mind that at the time he made his spiritual debut from behind the sacred desk, he was hampered by what seemed an unlikely disability.
“I was born with absolutely horrible eyesight,” said Prophet McNair, when recalling a life-altering testimony that contributed mightily to his quest to preach the Gospel. “I could see nothing without my glasses.”
But God…
“When I got up to preach my first message publicly, I took my glasses off,” Prophet McNair recalls. “By faith, I could see clearly, even to this day. The doctors were amazed.”
And so was his Creator whom, much to the delight of this young, vibrant man of the cloth, had ultimately provided him with the gift of all gifts — a devoted and loving wife whom, likewise, shares the same age.
Like her husband, Lady McNair is originally from Hattiesburg, yet she was brought up in the historic Church of God In Christ, which is widely regarded as the largest Pentecostal church and the fifth largest Christian church in the U.S.
“Then Baptist, Holiness and when I was old enough to decide Apostolic,” Lady McNair said. “I pretty much learned from my parents’ mistakes and what not to do. I thank God for my parents. I’m most grateful for my extra set of grandparents, the Breland’s. They’ve kept me most encouraged. No matter how hard it got, grandad and grandma Breland prayed, supported, loved, gave and prayed more.”
Such solid Christian-based foundations have benefited the McNairs mightily, especially now that they’ve exercised their faith considerably by erecting a ministry with no outside financial assistance.
“They are the first to ever establish a church on their own with no outside help except for God, and it’s huge,” said Higher Dimensions Harvest Temple Dorothy K.V. Jackson-Price.
Jackson-Price has been a member under Prophet McNair’s leadership for the past five years. According to the Hattiesburg-area entrepreneur, she’s doesn’t merely see her Pastor’s young age as an issue in any way, shape or form. If nothing, she acknowledged, all she sees is God’s glory routinely being revealed through one of His designated spokespersons.

“Real power like the old days and a man really after God’s heart,” Jackson-Price said of Prophet McNair. “I’ve seen him execute the will of God over and over and over again, and it’s more extraordinary each time.”
For what it’s worth, Prophet McNair doesn’t shy away from the notion that his sermons are centered mostly on the primary objective of ensuring that he customarily decreases so that God could increase — a trend that, in some aspects, wasn’t taught as much during his upbringing in the church.
“Growing up in a denomination that didn’t teach on the miraculous power of God to heal them, once God revealed himself to be a healer, gave me a message that He does deliver from cancer, aids, and any form of disease or sickness,” Prophet McNair said. “So, my message was prompted and, from there, I took off preaching everywhere I went that anything is possible in the presence of the Lord.”
Because after all, God doesn’t merely show favoritism to His people — according to Acts 10:34.

For more information about Mid-South Prophet Larry and Elect Lady Justice McNair of Higher Dimensions Harvest Temple or to inquire about worship opportunities, call 601.307.5301 or connect with the church via social at Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HDHTCHURCH/. Also, send email to: [email protected].
EDITOR’S NOTE: If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist.