Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves. (Philippians 2:3 NIV)

While recently taking questions from the media, Evangelist Sherrell D. Mims was asked why it is imperative to esteem and inspire others daily, as we are encouraged to do, according to scripture.
Mims subsequently fielded the question as if she expected it.
“With everything that has been going on in the last year — since March 10, 2020 — with the COVID-19 pandemic, people need to be inspired, uplifted, and encouraged in every area of their life,” Mims told Making Headline News. “Speak life into your life. Remember, what you speak out of your mouth every day is who you become, be it negative or positive. You are who you say you are.
“I would like to encourage everyone reading this to speak (what I call) ‘I am affirmations’ over your life every day and night. Affirmations are encouraging, motivating, uplifting, inspiring, positive statements that can help you to overcome self-sabotaging, negative thoughts. To use affirmations, first analyze the thoughts or behaviors that you’d like to change in your own life and career.”
To her distinctly unique credit, Mims will be afforded the golden opportunity to diligently encourage the masses when she spearheads The Heart of A Caregiver Inaugural Summit 2022, presented by Global Caregivers Network.
MORE ON EVANGELIST MIMS: https://mssherrellspeaks.com/
The highly-anticipated virtual summit will take place April 8-9 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. EST and is free and open to the public. Registration is free via Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/global-caregivers-network-tickets-259020285647.
The director of Global Caregivers Network, Mims will serve as the keynote speaker during the two-day summit, which will include four other empowerment speakers: Judy Amber, Michele D. Clark, Constance Woulard, and Christopher Hampton.
Mims’ Global Caregivers Network is a social media-based (via Facebook), educational, and informative safe space exclusively for caregivers, where they can come share their experiences and offer feedback and support for one another, the Fort Wayne, Indiana-based businesswoman told MHN.
“You don’t want to miss this epic virtual event,” Mims said. “We are going to have family caregivers sharing their stories from Alzheimer’s Disease, dementia, mental health, and other health issues. I have a plethora of speaking engagements from caregivers and women conferences, podcasts, summits and TV shows.”
So passionate about her featured endeavor that Mims appropriately describes herself as a devoted “expert” when it comes to being a caregiver.
And rightfully so, given the immeasurable strides she’s made since she had become inspired to establish Global Caregivers Network.
REGISTER FOR MIMS’ SUMMIT: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/global-caregivers-network-tickets-259020285647
“I have been a personal caregiver since the age of 11 and a professional caregiver since 1985,” Mims explained. Caregivers play a huge role in the healthcare industry. Their services have changed the lives of so many injured patients, elderly retirees, and those in need of hospice and palliative care.”
As Sherrell acknowledged, caring for other people “comes naturally,” considering this a trend she has embraced since her childhood days.
An accomplished Registered Nurse, Mims is a 1980’s graduate of Detroit’s Cooley High School. Consequently, she enrolled in college and graduated with a Nursing Degree. Her tenure as an RN spans some 20 years.
BUY MIMS’ BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07T9P5SP4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_XHE5DGDGSG9V1VP3RPZR

All things considered, Mims doesn’t shy away from the notion God has been — and forever will be — the Focal Point in the sustained success she’s enjoyed as the face of Global Caregivers Network.
“This Global Caregivers Network and Global Caregiver Speakers are being orchestrated just the way God would have it,” Mims said. “Of course, there are some family members, church affiliates, friends, and co-workers, just to name a few, that were — and still is — an intricate, inspirational part of this journey in my life right now. I loved that caregivers from around the world can come together on one platform to provide emotional, educational, informative resource tools and tips.”
Mims’ Global Caregivers Network was established on June 18, 2021. Global Caregiver Speakers, meanwhile, was established on December 25, 2021.
“In the process of both of them literally being established six months apart, it was God that ordained and orchestrated both of them, and I am a willing earthen vessel willing to be used by God,” Mims said. “We look forward to GCN and GCS going globally — hence the name, ‘global.’”
Added Mims whom, in July 2019, authored the book, I Will Wait Until Morning: A Caregiver’s Memoir On Assisting a Loved One With Cancer:
“By the way, if you or someone you know is a professional or family caregiver, let us know. We are always looking for caregivers to share their stories on a virtual event platform for now. However, when things become better and people are able to come out more, we will be doing more live events related to caregivers. Caregiver voice matters.
“I have such a heart for caregivers. I have been a family caregiver first and then the professional comes in later,” Mims continued. “With the mixture of the two, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that caregivers were my niche. Not just caregivers, but family caregivers. I have a heart for family caregivers. They go through so much; isolation, loneliness, sadness, and frustration that most people will never know about.”
As Mims emphasized, she doesn’t merely take lightly the fact that God has allowed her remarkably brilliant gifts to make room for her for such a pivotal — and memorable — time as now.
“In everything that one does in life, make sure that you are doing you,” Mims says without hesitation. “Can’t nobody do you like you. You are God’s masterpiece. God authentically, uniquely handcrafted you while you were in your mother’s womb. No one has your DNA or fingerprints. Be you and be the best you ever — authentically.”
REGISTER FOR MIMS’ SUMMIT: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/global-caregivers-network-tickets-259020285647
For more information Fort Wayne, Indiana Businesswoman Evangelist Sherrell D. Mims of Global Caregivers Network and Global Caregiver Speakers, to inquire about her services and events, to schedule a public appearance or speaking engagement, call 260.218.3377 or connect with her via Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/sherrill.baker; Instagram: https://instagram.com/mssherrellspeaks. Also, send email to: [email protected].
EDITOR’S NOTE: If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist or Instagram at @makingheadlinenews.