I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful. I know that full well. (Psalm 139:14 NIV)

On the morning of April 15, Latisha Richmond took to her social media timeline, where are erected a rather spirited, compelling post.
Said Richmond before her gallery of followers via Facebook:
“I am so excited to announce that I am officially a Published Author! It was several months ago when I was in a large work training with the amazing Amy Hall O’Connor, and she asked the question, ‘What is one thing you would do if fear wasn’t a factor?’ I answered and said, ‘I would write a book.’ She followed up and asked me a few questions about what my book would be about. I replied and told her I was going through a divorce and I just wanted to share my journey how this transition has impacted my sons and I, in hopes that it could help someone else.
“Then she followed up with, ‘I want a copy once you’ve finished writing it!’ That moment solidified any doubt and hesitation in my mind about actually following through with it. I had said it out loud in front of work leaders and colleagues so now, I told myself I had to really make this happen.”
Mission accomplished Richmond whom, even the wake of arguably the most challenging season of her life, demonstrated enough faith and perseverance to compose In A Room Full of Chaos, Where Do You See God’s Hand?: My Journey Through Separation & Divorce, her highly-anticipated book that has been nothing short of incredible since its ceremonious release.

A spiritually-empowering, life-altering book that debuted in April 2024, Richmond’s In A Room Full of Chaos, Where Do You See God’s Hand?: My Journey Through Separation & Divorce shines the figurative spotlight on what his writer appropriately describes as the different rooms in life we endure, most notably the rash of uncertainties, heartbreak, confusion, fear, guilt, etc. and, how even in the midst of the chaos, “If you take a second, stop, and pause, you can see the Hand of God there in that situation in some way, in that room, in shape or form,” Richmond said via Facebook.
“This is my real life account of me doing just that.”
A devoted a mother, community leader, and successful sales professional, Richmond chose to step away from what felt like a societal marriage club, something she had longed to be a part of since she was young.
Unfortunately for this faith-based writer, a marital dissolution had subsequently become the most challenging decision she ever faced.
“Growing up, marriage always was the ultimate goal and I achieved it,” Richmond told Making Headline News this week. “My marriage survived many anticipated challenges and hurdles. However, when the chaos began to be too much, I saw the need for a change for myself and my boys. So I decided it was time to walk away.”
Interestingly enough, while Richmond admittedly struggled to embrace what was a dreaded, tear-jerking decision, what she had ultimately realized was that while her marriage had failed, she was not a failure.
“Every story has two sides and, in every marriage or relationship, there are distinct perspectives,” Richmond explains. “However, this book isn’t my side of the story. This book chronicles my raw and uncut journey through the challenges that we face during separation and on the road to divorce.”
More than anything, though, Richmond had come eventually come to the realization that while her life’s challenges were aimed to break her, such obstacles had simultaneously played a pivotal role in shaping her into a much stronger woman who exists today.
Also, Richmond acknowledged, In A Room Full of Chaos, Where Do You See God’s Hand? is unique in that it is not only chronicles her personal journey through separation and managing life as a single mother, but it is her real time account, particularly through journal writing and voice memos of her first year of that life-changing encounter.
By all accounts, through each chapter, Richmond vividly shares her raw and transparent emotions, fears, and triumphs, not to mention highlights how God strategically showed up for her and her boys —even through her dreaded season in the wilderness.
Yep. That’s just like God, always providing for His children some much-needed beauty for ashes.
“I shared this book how I used my challenges to grow, find blessings through the pain, and witness how God used every situation for my good,” Richmond told MHN. “I hopes that regardless of your challenges, my book will give you a fresh perspective on your situations and renewed faith that God is working — even in the midst of your chaos.”
For more information about Latisha Richmond or to inquire about her new book, contact Dr. Erica Perry Green of SHERO Publishing LLC via social media under: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SHEROPublishing; Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sheropublishing/?hl=en; LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericaperrygreen/. Also, send email to: [email protected] or [email protected].
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Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist or Instagram at @makingheadlinenews.