The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (John 10:10 KJV)

Without question, Darvece Antoinette Monson is savoring the abundant life Jesus came to give her.
“My will to survive for my daughter and maintain health and wellness despite my chronic illness and disability trumped goals for future success in business in that I have always maintained that health is wealth,” Monson told Making Headline News this week. This premise of living life abundantly and optimally has been my mantra for years as a lifelong health nut, athlete, marathoner, triathlete, nutrition counselor, personal trainer, and fitness instructor.”
In order to grasp a thorough understanding of why Monson, a native of Chicago, has become downright passionate about living and enjoying a life full of abundance, look no further than the tumultuous, challenging occurrences about which she endured prior to witnessing the progression of her overall health.
Once stricken by what doctors described as a chronic kidney disease (or CKD), Monson consequently was reduced to being a hemodialysis patient for nearly two years — or 21 months to be exact.
According to a report at www.mayoclinic.org, when patients undergo hemodialysis, a machine filters wastes, salts and fluid from their blood when their kidneys are no longer healthy enough to do the work adequately. In addition, hemodialysis is one way to treat advanced kidney failure and can help patients carry on an active life despite their failing kidneys.

Moreover, with hemodialysis, patients would be required to follow a strict treatment schedule, take medications regularly, and make changes in their diet.
For Monson, a young, vibrant, 36-year-old businesswoman, once she had become saddled by her illness, she undoubtedly needed a miracle — like yesterday.
Because of the divine calling on her life, what she had ultimately discovered was that God would orchestrate a miraculously epic comeback on her behalf, one that came to fruition amid an array of sadness and heartache.
After 21 consecutive months of undergoing hemodialysis, Monson fielded the much-needed breakthrough she needed, but not before countless tears were shed amongst her family members.
Monson’s 11-year-old niece, Takiya Holmes, was killed back on February 11 as a result of a stray bullet in inner city Chicago.
Despite having funeralized their loved one amid senseless gun violence, Holmes’ family decided after her death to donate her organs to patients in need.
In a nutshell, that was the beginning of Monson — even while being hampered by her illness — adopting a newfound disposition on life.
A life-changing development that generated local and national media attention, Monson sensed that even before much-needed health breakthrough, it was a foregone conclusion that she gives back after finding herself on the right end of arguably the biggest miracle of her life.

Widely known as a nurse educator, health promoter, an advocate, and legislator, Monson, prior to receiving her new kidney, founded “More Than Your Kidneys,” a Chicago-based nonprofit organization that focuses largely on inspiring and empowering the lives of patients and family members affected by CKD, dialysis, and kidney transplantation.
“Through health promotion, advocacy, awareness, education, prevention, research and wellness modalities we offer a community of hope dedicated to coping with the complexities associated with this chronic illness,” Monson explained.
CHECK OUT DARVECE MONSON ONLINE: http://www.morethanyourkidneys.org/.

Having frequently said, “I have an angel with me,” because of her kidney transplant, Monson acknowledged that it was due in large part to her competitive drive to succeed in life that greatly inspired her to establish what figures to a “soaring” nonprofit organization.
“By fine-tuning the core elements of my being while simultaneously maintaining my faith in God, I knew that I would be able to succeed in anything and everything,” Monson said. “I know no other options, thus I prioritized accordingly, resulting in my manifestations becoming realities.
“I enjoy the edge that my organization has in that it was founded by a nurse and healthy individual turned CKD/Hemodialysis Patient of 21Months who is now an 11-week kidney transplant recipient,” Monson continued. “This is not only my business. Rather, it is and has always has been a God-appointed life-assigned mission.”

A business venture that caters to individuals of all ages, Monson, to her credit, has quickly become a motivational speaker, of sorts, considering her itinerary is starting to fill up with engagements, most notably several scheduled appearances in her native homeland of Chicago this month and in Cocoa Beach, Florida in mid-May.

“Individuals should seek others that are achieving, succeeding, and setting an example to not be complacent, to not be reactive instead of being proactive, and to witness others not making excuses as a means of being held accountable for them choosing to do the opposite,” Monson said. “There’s an old adage that states, ‘If you knew better, you’d do better.’ After following my journey, one can’t say that they weren’t offered a better alternative when it comes to living with the plights of CKD, which makes all of the difference. “More Than Your Kidneys” has created and become the change, but as are all success stories. The variable lies within the individual. It’s not what happens to you, it’s what happens inside of you that dictate the results.”
Talk about living and savoring the abundant life Christ came to give her.
For more information on Darvece Monson or to schedule her for a speaking engagement:
EDITOR’S NOTE: If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send an email to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist.