It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.
(Psalm 119:71)
David, according to scripture, was widely regarded as a man after God’s Own Heart.
Given the tumultuous, life-changing developments that once surrounded Jamelia Logan, it’s safe to assume that this Charleston, South Carolina-based author can surely attest to this notion.
IT’S THE GOD IN HER — Exhibiting the kind of disposition and spirit of courage similar to that of the Biblical character Job, South Carolina Author Jamelia Logan, for what it’s worth, found herself embracing such a provocative inquiry, particularly during a time in which she needed it most as she eloquently revealed in her newly-released book entitled, Goddidit: The Vindication Journey, Volume 1.
“We oftentimes question God, ‘Why me?’ And God responds, ‘Why not you?” Logan said during a weekend interview with Making Headline News.
Exhibiting the kind of disposition and spirit of courage similar to that of the Biblical character Job, Logan, for what it’s worth, found herself embracing such a provocative inquiry, particularly during a time in which she needed it most as she eloquently revealed in her newly-released book entitled, Goddidit: The Vindication Journey, Volume 1.
While Logan’s newly written document is short in length — the book is comprised of only 54 pages — it is one that figures to have a massive kingdom impact, thus will inspire others to draw closer to Almighty God in the process.
A book that made its ceremoniously debut on the market less than a month ago — October 19 to be technical — Logan’s Goddidit: The Vindication Journey, Volume 1 is a true narration of a real, everyday citizen, who overcame having become another statistic of what is widely viewed as a broken judicial system in America, according to detailed description of this young author’s book at
“As you read, you will discover how affliction and public humiliation caused this everyday citizen to fully trust God to vindicate her after being faced with a maximum prison sentence of 13 years,” said a spokesperson for Logan’s book.
Interestingly, along with what she labels a vindication journey, Logan has appropriately provided her reading audience with practical and scriptural ways to overcome various forms of afflictions, adversities, hurts in ministry — or, as she puts it to you plainly “people hurt — not to mention a broken justice system.
“The intention of this book is to share my personal testimony, to fulfill prophecy, invoke wisdom, to impart the word of God, and to give you words of encouragement along the way,” said Logan, a married mother of three and a native of Charleston.
A book that Logan initially began composing the same year of her arrest, she needed approximately two years to complete a project that figures to — in case you’ve forget — have a massive kingdom impact, thus inspire others to draw closer to Almighty God.
All things considered and because of the God-mandated calling upon her life, Logan doesn’t shy away from the notion that had it not been for the Lord Who was on her side…well, on second thought, no one, it seems, can tell it like she can.
“After I survived the affliction of being faced with a 13 year prison sentence, to being vindicated with only having to do 80 hours of community service, 46 days in county jail, to having a three-year probation sentence eventually terminated early after only doing six months, to overcoming public humiliation, adversity, to walking out of court of a broken judicial system and, lastly, overcoming being hurt in ministry, it was necessary for me to share God’s goodness and mercy upon my life,” Logan said of an emotional story that, in all likelihood, brings her to tear virtually every time she tells it.
Having been arrested some time in 2015, it was, by all accounts, because of Logan’s incarceration that essentially gave way to arguably the grandest breakthrough of life, an arrest that came wrapped in a spiritual gift, of sorts.
“The Lord had to break me down to raise me up for such a time as this, to minister to the lost, and to encourage those that want to throw in the towel.”
Having been arrested some time in 2015, it was, by all accounts, because of Logan’s unlikely incarceration that essentially gave way to arguably the grandest breakthrough of life — an arrest that, given the subsequent outcome of her encounter, had come wrapped up in a spiritual gift, of sorts.
Need more proof? Well, here ya go.
THE PSALM 105:1 FACTOR — All things considered and because of the God-mandated calling upon, Logan doesn’t shy away from the notion that had it not been for the Lord Who was on her side…well, on second thought, no one, it seems, can tell it like she can.
“I kept a note pad after my initial arrest and, as I began this vindication journey, God led me to write every (encounter) I’ve ever experienced and it eventually went from pad, to paper, to pen, to a word document that later became a book,” Logan explained.
The rest, as they say, was history.
A book that Logan initially began composing the same year of her arrest, she needed approximately two years to complete a project that figures to — in case you’ve forget — have a massive kingdom impact, thus inspire others to draw closer to Almighty God.
“My story is very compelling, and its divine purpose is designed to share my personal testimony, to fulfill prophecy, invoke wisdom, to impart the word of God, and to give words of encouragement along the way,” Logan said. “The majority of the feedback has been very positive and encouraging. Many have also raved of the book’s transparency as well as it being an easy read that anyone can relate to.”
YOU GO, GIRL!!! Today, unlike never before, Logan is steadfastly walking in it as evidence by her newly-released book.
For what’s it worth, the array of afflictions about which Logan had endured had ultimately given birth to her purpose.
Today, unlike never before, she’s steadfastly walking in it as evidence by her newly-released book that is also available for purchase at Amazon Kindle and Barnes And Noble online.
“For a very long time, I’ve straddled the fence, being incognito to the things of God until I had to really be broken to realize that God had a bigger purpose for my life, rather sitting down on the side lines,” Logan explained. “God’s purpose was for me to endure affliction to help someone else not to go down (that road) and/or make some of the same decisions and paths that lead me to what I’ve gone through.”
After all, David, according to scripture, was widely viewed as a man after God’s Own Heart.
And given the tumultuous, life-changing developments that once surrounded Logan, it’s safe to assume that this Godly author can surely attest to this notion.
As evidenced by her life-enhancing, tear-jerking testimony, one that God endorsed to be wrapped up in 54 pages.
For more information about Jamelia Logan’s Goddidit: The Vindication Journey, Volume 1, connect with her via Facebook under “Goddidit Logan.” Also, she can reached through the Jamelia Logan author page and for speaking engagements or contact via emailed at:[email protected]
EDITOR’S NOTE:If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is the Founder and Publisher of Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson is the former chief adjutant to Elder Andrew Jackson, Sr. of Faith Temple Ministries Church of God In Christ. Based in Dallas, Texas, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division. To reach Johnson, call him at 901-690-6587 or send email to [email protected] or [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist.