Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.(Matthew 19:6 KJV)
DALLAS — For the record, there’s never a bad time, quite frankly, to speak along the lines of what it means to avoid a dreaded marital dissolution.
That is why authors Michael LeMay and Nikki Denise have joined forced to compose a book they sense will become a fixture not just amongst worldly individuals but, most importantly, amongst those who make up the Body of Christ.
Never mind that the informative, emotionally-driven, spiritually gut-checking book by these writers isn’t scheduled to be released until sometime in Spring 2020.
“(We’re striving) to encourage men and women to reconsider staying married as opposed to divorce,” LeMay told Making Headline News this week. “And (we’re striving) to offer various practical and emotional reasons why they should stay married.”
Indeed they are, courtesy of an awe-inspiring and forthcoming book entitled, “Avoiding Divorce For Men and Women: 101,” a collaborative written document that’s centered largely on this dynamic duo of authors deeming it essential to — you know — keep it real with their readers, most notably those who could learn a thing or two about the downside of divorce and why sticking together as a union would be beneficial for both parties in the long run.
To their credit, these authors’ strategic and steadfast objective of keeping it real, by all accounts, is accompanied by a great deal of transparency.
There’s never a bad time, really, to speak along the lines of what it means to avoid a marital dissolution. That is why authors Michael LeMay and Nikki Denise have joined forced to compose a book they sense will become a fixture not just amongst worldly individuals but, most importantly, amongst those who make up the Body of Christ.
“We believe that having been through divorce and single parenting that we have an authentic experience and knowledge about this subject matter,” Nikki Denise, 39, a native of Durham, North Carolina, explained. “It is our quest to help African-American families stay together and to deter divorce through our media. We hope to bring awareness to the public about some of the pitfalls and root causes and the results of divorce on a family. And we hope to provide information and guidance to avoid divorce.”
A book that is already generating its share of favorable feedback — “It’s been all positive,” LeMay said — roughly eight months prior to its scheduled release, “Avoiding Divorce For Men and Women: 101” is making a strong case that it figures to be as good as advertised once it makes it ceremoniously release on the market.
“The avoiding divorce platform seeks to explain how various socio economic dynamics can transcend into interrelation dysfunction and marital failures, within modern African American families,” said the co-authors, when asked in what ways are their forthcoming book apart of the purpose for which God has created them. “The avoiding divorce platform challenges black men and women to perform deep mental introspection and self-examination, to discover the root causes in their behavioral patterns that can be correlated to patterns of dysfunction in their marriages.”
Moreover, LeMay and Nikki Denise acknowledged, what they appropriately label the “avoiding divorce platform” is absolutely essential, particularly as it pertains to keeping the sanctity of marriage intact.
THEY’VE GOT NEWS FOR YOU — All things considered, LeMay and his Nikki Denise can dauntless profess that they thank God for strategically assigning them for collectively composing an intriguing and essential book for such a time as now.
There are variety of pivotal reasons for drawing such an analogy, they emphasized.
“The avoiding divorce platform triggers an awareness in black men and women to realize that they must to do self and perhaps professional psychoanalysis required to know thyself and to become self-aware,” Nikki Denise explained. “We believe that this is our God-given assignment as authors.”
Having announced this week that they are open to speaking engagements, during which they would share in detail the developments that fueled their fervent desire to assemble “Avoiding Divorce For Men and Women: 101,” both LeMay and Nikki Denise have undoubtedly found their niche as accomplished writers, having authored a galley of books.
In addition, LeMay Imagery Publishing will be publishing “Avoiding Divorce: 101,” a book they emphasized is designed for men and women, especially couples who are passionate about diligently remaining in covenant.
IN HER OWN WORDS — “We believe that having been through divorce and single parenting that we have an authentic experience and knowledge about this subject matter,” Nikki Denise, 39, a native of Durham, North Carolina, explained. “It is our quest to help African-American families stay together and to deter divorce through our media. We hope to bring awareness to the public about some of the pitfalls and root causes and the results of divorce on a family. And we hope to provide information and guidance to avoid divorce.”
“Our goal is to inspire families and to offer them tools for them to stay together,” said LeMay, an Atlanta-based businessman who is a native of Chicago. “We believe that our message of avoiding divorce is ordained by God and that it is as important as the Civil Rights Movement was.”
Talk about a rather bold and riveting suggestion, one that because of this brilliantly compelling book, figures to become a fixture not just amongst worldly individuals but, most importantly, amongst those who make up the Body of Christ.
“(We want our readers) to become self-aware and spiritually awakened,” LeMay said in making a plea for consumers to begin submitting presale orders for “Avoiding Divorce For Men and Women: 101.”
“I had to go through the process of analyzing my own consciousness and my psychological make-up…to evoke change within himself, I had to deconstruct myself from the core,” LeMay continued. “And then rebuild and reengineer my mind with new content. I had to undergo a mental and spiritual rebirth.”
All things considered, LeMay and his Nikki Denise can dauntlessly profess that they thank God for strategically assigning them for collectively composing an intriguing and essential book for such a time as now.
BOOK THEM — Having announced this week that they are open to speaking engagements, during which they would share in detail the developments that fueled their fervent desire to assemble “Avoiding Divorce For Men and Women: 101,” both LeMay and Nikki Denise have undoubtedly found their niche as accomplished writers, having authored a galley of books.
“I don’t believe that I’d be divorced today had I made these kinds of mental and spiritual changes before it was too late,” LeMay said without hesitation. “If I had only paid attention to the signs that my wife presented to me…had I taken accountability for taking the time to learn how to become humble enough to know that my marriage was in trouble, I don’t believe that I would be divorced today.
“Being able to ask for help when I realized that my marriage was in trouble was the work,” LeMay added. “This is the necessary process. In that, we acknowledge that we are in trouble and that we respond effectively.”
EDITOR’S NOTE: If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist.