Rejoice always; Pray without ceasing; In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NKJV)
WAR ROOM — A native of Pelham, Georgia, Machele Pace is the mastermind behind the newly-produced book entitled, “Prayer Primer For The Christian Devotionalist,” a spiritually-refreshing written work that made its official release in August 2019.
Notice, if you will, the two intriguing words that accompany Machele Pace’s name, particularly on her Facebook page: Uncommon Favor.
For the record, there is a variety of reasons why this devout woman of faith deemed it essential to include those two words with her name.
“My life has always consisted of a life of prayer and expression of intimacy with God through relationship,” Pace told Making Headline News during a recent interview.
It is due in large part because of Pace’s immeasurable, bend-but-don’t break faith walk, coupled with her resilient prayer life that God has bestowed upon her — you’ve guess it — her share of uncommon favor.
So much, in fact, that this young preacher of the Gospel has been blessed to the add to her spiritual repertoire the proverbial Christian-based authorship title.
A native of Pelham, Georgia, Pace is the mastermind behind the newly-produced book entitled, “Prayer Primer For The Christian Devotionalist,”a spiritually-refreshing written work that made its official release in August 2019.
Approximately three months removed from having made her authorship debut, Pace is giddy of the fact that her vision to compose a compelling book has come full circle with God, her Helper, steering the way.
Having turned 47 on Tuesday (November 12), Pace has become a fixture on social media for leading regular prayers via Facebook Live.
A book she needed somewhere in the neighborhood of just 21 days to assemble, Pace has generated nothing short of favorable feedback since the release of “Prayer Primer For The Christian Devotionalist.”
“The vision came to write the book one day from people whom I would encounter in church or at gatherings, at work, or on social media who would let me know that they admired how I prayed, but they always ended with I wish I was disciplined to pray more,” Pace said. “So while I was in prayer, praying for believers to embrace more of a lifestyle of prayer, the Lord gave me (the vision) to write a practical guide to prayer.”
And the rest, as they say, was history.
The beloved minster at Ahavah Christian Fellowship Church — a ministry that is centered on prayer, the word, worship and praise, and evangelistic outreach — Pace’s “Prayer Primer For The Christian Devotionalist” was assembled to accommodate the lifestyle of people from various walks of life, even those often find it difficult to established a solid prayer life.
“(I wrote this book) so that anyone — whether seasoned or a beginner in prayer — could have a tool that would help them better understand how to approach prayer and how to strengthen their prayer life,” Pace said. “Never forsake prayer. It does not matter where you are in life, you can and should always pray and you can always improve your prayer life and time with Father God.”
Pace thought it necessary to issue a warning, of sorts, to those who frequently abort their privilege to pray.
“Prayerlessness allows the enemy to gain advantages in our lives, but a life of prayer will give rise to the will of God that leads to purpose and destiny for our lives,” Pace explained. “Prayer is pretty powerful when we think about it.”
A book she needed somewhere in the neighborhood of just 21 days to assemble, Pace has generated nothing short of favorable feedback since the release of “Prayer Primer For The Christian Devotionalist.”
ON GOD’S BATTLEFIELD — The daughter of Pastor Jerome Pace and Everlene Mitchell of Pelham, Machele Pace received Jesus Christ and became filled with the Holy Ghost at the tender age of 13.
“I am being told by those who have already purchased the book that it has caused them to see a different sensitivity to prayer; for others, it has helped them redevelop a prayer life with understanding, yet others it has helped them to pray from a different foundation of prayer helping them to mature their prayer life,” Pace said. “Some are even teaching their children through steps in the book that are very hands-on and easy to follow to develop a more stable and successful prayer life.”
Now that her authorship debut is effectively underway, Pace is destined to write Book No. 2 much sooner than later, a project that will also address the benefits of exemplifying a solid prayer life.
“I am working on another more in-depth prayer book that will consist of a book of prayers,” said Pace who typically hosts conferences that are geared toward the subjects that are addressed in her book. “I am also working on a book that is a self-help book that is based more on my professional training and knowledge. It will help many gain balance in critical life moments.”
The daughter of Pastor Jerome Pace and Everlene Mitchell of Pelham, Machele Pace received Jesus Christ and became filled with the Holy Ghost at the tender age of 13.
She officially accepted her divine call to ministry in 1996 during which she had become a licensed minister under the leadership and spiritual covering of the late Apostle Dr. Leon Bryant Seymore of Jacksonville, Florida.
Two years later, Pace was installed as a Pastor under the same ministry for which she accepted her calling, a development that ultimately led to her becoming the Pastor of Ahavah Worship Center in Decatur, Georgia.
Approximately three months removed from having made her authorship debut, Pace is giddy of the fact that her vision to compose a book has come full circle with God, her Helper, steering the way.
Much to her delight, that God has strategically anointed Pace to become an author aligns with the purpose for which she was created. Pace’s ministerial career spans two decades.
“I believe that one of my God-given purposes in the earth is to lead people back to a place in God that is true and authentic through the platform of prayer…to help our generation understand why we pray and, most importantly, how to pray that we can be successful, praying prayers that will terminate the insults of the enemy of our souls as well as help us to freely move into our God-given destinies…to also pass to the next generation prayer as a staple in families and homes alike,” Pace said.
EDITOR’S NOTE:If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist.