I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful. I know that full well. (Psalm 139:14 NIV)

With God, her Helper steering the way, Yolanda Dudley has been blessed mightily to witness her ceremonious authorship debut come to fruition.
“In this inaugural book publishing, I strive to provide hope through my life and the lives of key women who likewise walk with a life devoted to Jesus Christ,” Dudley told Making Headline News this week. “You will see that walking with the Lord does not mean you are shielded from pain. It does mean that the God of the universe promises to be with you and give you victory in every situation. Ultimately, the purpose of life is to give Him glory.”
To her distinctly unique credit, Dudley has gone to great lengths to enlighten devout women of faith about the significance of embracing their God-manifested purpose, most notably by of her 31-day devotional entitled, Ordinary Women, Extraordinary God.
According to a detailed synopsis of her book via https://ghiministries.org/book, Dudley emphasized, among other things, her highly-anticipated written work comes amid an awe-inspiring vision with which God strategically birthed her some time ago.
BUY DUDLEY’S BOOK: https://ghiministries.org/book

“As a young adult, I began to ponder the progress I had made in life as a Christian woman,” Dudley recalls. “I certainly had not made it. I was work in progress. But as I began rummaging through boxes of stuff around the house, I began to find trinkets, cards, gifts, and letters of encouragement from many different women in my life.
“I looked on those items as intentional acts spawned by the leading of the Holy Spirit. I would say, ‘They knew I needed some help,’” Dudley continued. “We all have rough edges that God will work on as He perfects who we are in Him.”
Interestingly enough, Dudley vividly reminds her reading audience that in a world that is enamored with superstars, we often overlook the real people who are so influential and instrumental in leading the next generations.
While this esteemed Christian-based author can attest to the notion that she has never been one who has become starstruck by celebrities, she realizes wholeheartedly there were “incredible” women in her life.
“These women have been instrumental in my personal growth and development and had stories that needed to be shared,” Dudley told MHN, further providing an in-depth breakdown of her published masterpiece that is powered by the Raleigh, North Carolina-based SHERO Publishing LLC. “Through their walk and talk, these women are true examples of what it means to be a Godly woman. From my reflections on their impact on my life, the idea for this book was formed.”
Moreover, Dudley acknowledged, readers throughout each daily devotion will experience what she describes as “real life situations” of women, particularly those who are steadfastly walking in their purpose and impacting those around them.
“While the contributing authors are by no means ordinary, their claim to fame is not to be popular with man, but to be pleasing to God,” Dudley said. “Thus, the title, Ordinary Women Extraordinary God.”
An accomplished CPA (Certified Public Accountant), Dudley holds an undergraduate degree in Accounting from Howard University and a post-graduate degree in Christian Counseling and Discipleship from Capital Bible Seminary.
Armed with an immeasurable professional resume, Dudley has spent more than three decades in the accounting industries, as well as stints with host of nonprofit organizations, government agencies, charter schools, affordable housing, commercial real estate, and Christian schools sectors.
Also, Dudley is the mastermind behind GHi Consulting (https://ghiministries.org/), a rising accounting consulting company in which the GHi acronym stands for: Get your House in Order.

“While I am passionate about my professional vocation, I became equally passionate about the soul health of the believer,” Dudley told MHN. “As a survivor of an alcoholic household, my defining moment in life was y conversion to Jesus Christ. It marks the point in my life where a past of emotional hurt and pain were now being replaced with the hope of a future that would contradict the odds given to me.”
Interestingly enough, Dudley, throughout the years, has become a fixture for teaching financial literacy and strategies for proper financial stewardship. As a result, she has recognized that chronic financial problems generally stem from soul care issues.
“So my counseling is generally targeted to the healing of the soul in addition to changing financial habits,” Dudley said. “My passion is to minister to others to gain emotional wholeness and to be successful at their God-given gifts, talents, and abilities.”
With God, her Helper steering the way, of course.
For more information about Yolanda Dudley or to inquire about her new book, contact Dr. Erica Perry Green of SHERO Publishing LLC via social media under: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SHEROPublishing; Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sheropublishing/?hl=en; LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericaperrygreen/. Also, send email to: [email protected] or [email protected].
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Andre Johnson is the award-winning Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter of sports for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist or Instagram at @makingheadlinenews.