GOD’S LEADING LADY — A native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and the Founder and CEO of Taylormade International that was founded in May 2013, Debora Taylor is widely known as the mastermind behind the book entitled, Tying The Knot Between Ministry And The Marketplace, a compelling, attention-grabbing written document that was assembled by 12 accomplished and anointed authors.
Debora Taylor took a moment earlier this week to think of the goodness of Jesus and all He’s done for her.
It didn’t take very long for her to soul to cry out.
“Almost four years ago, I lost my job after 30 years,” Taylor explained during an exclusive interview with Making Headline News. “(Then) I left…retired from pulpit ministry and came to an unfamiliar territory. I knew no one, but my husband and I started over at almost 60 years old. Yes…it is God!”
And just like that, this bighearted, seasoned woman of the cloth whom many essentially had written off subsequently used her assortment of setbacks as some spiritual ammunition to mount a God-orchestrated comeback.
Today, unlike never before, Taylor — with the tireless support of her husband, Guy Taylor — is walking in her divine destiny, let alone the purpose for which God created her.
Once an teenage atheist until she thought it absolutely essential to be transformed by the renewing of her mind by selling out completely to God at the tender age of 26, Debora Taylor has graciously accepted and embraced her latest God-mandated assignment, one that because of the divinely rich calling on her, figures to change a generation.
A native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and the Founder and CEO of Taylormade International that was founded in May 2013, Debora Taylor is widely known as the mastermind behind the book entitled, “Tying The Knot Between Ministry And The Marketplace,” a compelling, awe-inspiring, attention-grabbing written document that was assembled by 12 accomplished and anointed authors.
THAT’S HER GUY — Today, unlike never before, Taylor — with the tireless support of her husband, Guy Taylor — is walking in her divine destiny, or the purpose for which God created her.
According to Taylor, the official release of “Tying The Knot Between Ministry And The Marketplace”is scheduled for mid-May.
“It’s radical,” said Debora Taylor, describing the array of feedback she’s acquired for a book prior to its much-anticipated release. “I mean, people can’t wait for it to come out.”
By and large, the hoopla surrounding “Tying The Knot Between Ministry And The Marketplace”has heighten to the point in which several individuals of Debora Taylor’s reading audience has already requested presale orders.
“They are already buying it,” she said. “It’s healing.”
BOOK ON DECK — According to Taylor, the official release of “Tying The Knot Between Ministry And The Marketplace” is scheduled for mid-May.
Ahhh…healing, something with which this provocative book’s featured author can greatly identify, given the slew of trials and tribulations, setbacks, letdowns, and hardships she has endured both in the ministry and the marketplace.
“For me, it’s healing and for a lot of people, it’s healing, because a lot of people feel they’ve got to choose (kingdom work and their regular 9-to-5 job),” Debora Taylor, a resident of Memphis for the past three years, explained.
As Debora Taylor’s book specifically acknowledges, Christians essentially can savor the best of both worlds — with God, their Helper, leading the way.
Peep this as she eloquently explains why.
“My church has become global,” Debora Taylor explains. “(My assignment) is to go into the world to preach the gospel. People get so used to the pulpit. It’s a healing bomb in that when you can get revelation to do both.”
Interesting enough, there is to Debora Taylor’s distinct credit, why she deemed it necessary in October 2016 to join forces with 11 other Godly women to — for a lack of better words — put satan on notice by way of a book that figures to serve a universal beacon of light, particularly in the modern-day church.
“God has given me this (assignment) out of my own pain,” Debora Taylor, a past recipient of the President’s Volunteer Service Award, said with a straight face.
Oh, and for what’s it worth, there is a notable, familiar Biblical passage that serves as the featured headline, of sorts, as it pertains to Debora Taylor’s latest kingdom-based project.
“The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the righteous,” said Debora Taylor, reciting the words to Proverbs 13:22.
So how is this often-quoted passage synonymous to “Tying The Knot Between Ministry And The Marketplace?”
Peep this as the woman of God eloquently explains why.
HE CHANGED MY LIFE — Once an teenage atheist until she thought it absolutely essential to sell completely out to God at the tender age of 26, Debora Taylor has graciously accepted and embraced her latest God-mandated assignment, one that because of the divinely rich calling on her, figures to change a generation.
“Some churches think that someone is going to show up at the doorstep and give them money,” Debora Taylor said. “That is not what Jesus meant. He meant that we have a responsibility to go into the world to teach, to train, and to work. The whole thing is (Jesus) called who were already business owners.”
All of which practically sums up why Debora Taylor’s forthcoming books reiterates, among other things, that Christians don’t necessarily have to — you know — choose, if you will.
“People are absolutely amazed (by the book),” Debora Taylor said. “They can’t wait to hold it in their hands, because all of us women are telling our stories. People are amazed that 12 black women chose to come together and do something.”
Talk about putting satan on notice.
EDITOR’S NOTE:If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is Founder and Publisher of Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and former sports reporter for the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson is the former chief adjutant to Elder Andrew Jackson, Sr. of Faith Temple Ministries Church of God In Christ. Based in Dallas, Texas, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division. To reach Johnson, call him at 901-690-6587 or send email to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist.
Wonderful Blogpost Thanks for sharing.