Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. (Psalm 34:19)
YOU GO GIRL!!! A 108-page paperback written document that officially hit the market on June 6, Donita J. Clark’s “In Pain On Purpose: A World Of Hurt Can Change Your Destiny” is an inspirational novel with regards to relationships or, as Clark eloquently acknowledged, those relationships that produce rather good or bad fruit, if you will.
Ask Donita J. Clark about her upbringing, and you best believe she’s going to cut straight to the point.
In a nutshell, she’s going to keep it real with you.
“I came from a culture where having a baby was more important than marriage or education,” Clark, during an exclusive interview this week with Making Headline News, recalled.
It is, by all accounts, due in large part to such a downtrodden, discouraging social issue that has greatly inspired Clark to go to great lengths to encourage and empower young ladies to adopt a different thought process, particularly it relates to positioning themselves to be successful.
“I wanted to inspire other women to do something extraordinary,” Clark said.
To her distinct credit, she has done just that, by way of her recently-released book entitled, “In Pain On Purpose: A World Of Hurt Can Change Your Destiny.”
A 108-page paperback written document that officially hit the market on June 6, Clark’s “In Pain On Purpose: A World Of Hurt Can Change Your Destiny” is an inspirational novel that addresses relationships or, as Clark eloquently acknowledged, those relationships that produce rather good or bad fruit, if you will.
Moreover, Clark’s debut book deals with several extremely vital relationship issues, particularly those we have with our parents which, in essence, ultimately establish the basis of our foundation, as she explained in a detailed description of her book at
“As we grow and begin to seek adult relationships, the manifestations of that fruit begin to show,” said Clark, a native of Wooster, Ohio who lives with her family in Atlanta.
WE ARE FAMILY — A book Clark had begun writing in August 2016 and needed approximately nine months to complete, this Wooster, Ohio native stressed that her primary focus through her book is to steadfastly be a voice of hope for men and women are battling similar situations as the ones she endured, most notably the dreaded trend of having been raised without the authentic guidance of parents.
Then there is the featured character named Nyla in Clark’s book, whom this author explained had never had a relationship with her father while simultaneously carrying on a rather dysfunctional one with her mother.
It is, in fact, because of relationships of that magnitude that Clark thought it essential to compose this compelling and informative novel because, as she tells it, “I want to inspire young people that may be experiencing toxic relationships. We can move beyond our pain and live on purpose. Your pain can be used to guide you to your purpose.”
Moreover, Clark’s debut book deals with several extremely vital relationships, particularly those we have with our parents which, in essence, ultimately establish the basis of our foundation, she explained in a detailed description of her book at
A book Clark had begun writing in August 2016 and needed approximately nine months to complete, Clark emphasized that her primary focus through her book is to steadfastly be a voice of hope for men and women who are battling similar situations as the ones she had endured — most notably the dreaded trend of having been raised without the authentic guidance of parents.
“I incurred abuse on several levels,” Clark, an accomplished entrepreneur as Founder and CEO of Extended Blessings, said. “It’s doesn’t matter what circumstances you were dealt…it only matters what you do with those circumstances. We can accomplish more than we believe.”
LOVE, PEACE, AND HAPPINESS — “As we grow and begin to seek adult relationships, the manifestations of that fruit begin to show,” said Clark, a native of Wooster, Ohio who lives with her family in Atlanta.
Because little do we know, God is a God Who can — and will — deliver us from all of our painful, disastrous past, thus reposition us for the much-anticipated road to our destiny.
“God has given us all purpose,” said Clark, adding that her reading audience has been thoroughly inspired by her new book. “It’s up to us to trust in His plan. I was created to help people. I am a servant leader in every sense of the word. I want to see people happy and whole. If my story can touch one or two people, I have completed my assigned task.”
Clark said her second book, “The Power Of Love: The Journey To Blending A Family,” is presently in the works, as is her third book entitled, “The Ladies Choice.”
ON DECK — Currently, Clark said her second book, The Power Of Love: The Journey To Blending A Family,” is in the works, as is her third book entitled, “The Ladies Choice.”
As for her newly-released book, Clark will have a vendor booth at Holsey Monumental on Saturday, July 29 at 6028 Buena Vista Road in nearby Columbus, Georgia, where she will be promoting her book from Noon-6 p.m. EST.
“Life isn’t what we fantasize about,” Clark said. Anything you’re striving for in life takes dedication. Dedicate your time and efforts to building people. There are great rewards in helping others achieve their goals.”
Especially when you can overcome life’s greatest of obstacles, something to which this brilliantly gifted author can surely attest.
And that’s keeping it real.
EDITOR’S NOTE:If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist.