No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. (Romans 8:37)
MORE THAN A CONQUEROR — A graduate of Arkansas State University who holds degrees in Criminology and Sociology, God essentially added yet another supernatural blessing to Quiandrea Borders’ writing repertoire when He stilled within the perseverance and wherewithal to assemble the book, “The Adjusted Crown.”
DALLAS — Say what you want about Quiandrea Borders.
But come hell or high water, whether her faith appears bleak and she seem on the brink of landing on shaky ground, know this about this devout, progressively resilient woman of faith:
She knows full well she is more than a conqueror through Him Who loves her.
That, by all accounts, practically sums up why Borders, a young, gifted writer since she was 12 years of age, deems it essential to often to put her feelings and personal experiences in writing, a trend that has benefited her mightily ever since God strategically introduced her to such a notable gift.
“I’ve been writing since I was 12, but never knew I had what it took to write a book until two years ago,” Borders, 32, a single mother of one, told Making Headline News this week.
THE FINISHED HARDWARE — A paperback written document that is comprised of 122 pages, Borders — who began writing her book in 2015 — needed somewhere in the neighborhood of two years to construct a project that officially hit the market back on June 13.
A graduate of Arkansas State University who holds degrees in Criminology and Sociology, God essentially added yet another supernatural blessing to Borders’ writing repertoire when He stilled within the perseverance and wherewithal to assemble the book, “The Adjusted Crown.”
A paperback written document that is comprised of 122 pages, Borders — who began writing her book in 2015 — needed somewhere in the neighborhood of two years to construct a project that officially hit the market back on June 13.
For Borders, a native of Jonesboro, Arkansas who presently resides in Indiana, that she has finally made her authorship debut undoubtedly is testament of her solid work ethic, particularly as it pertains to accomplishing her educational goals, thus going to great lengths to create a favorable environment for her daughter.
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED — Interesting enough, while Border endured an array of hurdles about which she had to clear during the writing process of her book — “I grew discouraged and side tracked,” she said — she finally completed her book in February of this year, thus effectively reaching her divine message’s finish line as a result.
Borders’ “The Adjusted Crown”is a book that encourages individuals to turn their pain into power, said a spokesperson for her book in a detailed description at
In addition, Borders specifically acknowledged that after having endured a slew of failed relationships, dealing with the intense challenges that are affiliated with being a single parenting, having faced domestic abuse and being raised without a father, her initial book is vital and life-changing in that it helps an oppressed and spiritually wounded people recapture — and retain — the crown for God has strategically reserved for them.
AND THE WINNER IS…For her valiant efforts as a notable author, coupled with her remarkable contributions to the community, Borders was recently named one of three nominees for the inaugural TAP Awards Author Of The Year during an event that will that place November 11 at her college alma mater.
That, after all, is explains why keeping one’s crown adjusted at all times is absolutely essential, this writer suggests.
“The fight within is priceless when God gets the glory out of the situation,” Borders explained. “This book also encourages you to keep your faith in God and always keep His word hidden in your heart. A scripture and a prayer a day will keep the devil away.”
In Borders’ “The Adjusted Crown,” she even sends what appears to be a direct message to women.
“The reason I chose to write this memoir was to inspire, encourage and strengthen women all over the world no matter what life throws at you,” Borders said. “I have gotten tremendous feedback from my readers thus far. Several women have been inspired and encouraged to keep pushing forward and boss up.”
HER PRIDE AND JOY — For Borders, a native of Jonesboro, Arkansas who presently resides in Indiana, that she has finally made her authorship debut undoubtedly is testament of her solid work ethic, particularly as it pertains to accomplishing her educational goals and going to great lengths to create a favorable environment for her daughter.
Interesting enough, while Borders endured an array of hurdles about which she had to clear during the writing process of her book — “I grew discouraged and side tracked,” she said — she finally completed the book in February of this year, thus effectively reaching her divine message’s finish line as a result.
“The divine message that I want all my readers to know is regardless of life’s obstacles, there is hope,” Borders said.
So what are saying, devout woman of faith?
“Turn your pain into power and trust the process,” said Border, adding that a second edition of The Adjusted Crown is presently in the works. “Always keep God first and that there is a plan and purpose for everything you go through. Grow through what you go through.”
For her valiant efforts as a notable author, coupled with her remarkable contributions to the community, Borders was recently named one of three nominees for the inaugural TAP Awards Author Of The Year during an event that will that place November 11 at her college alma mater.
Also, she has been invited to the nationally-acclaimed “I Didn’t Know My Own Strength” Tour September 2 in Little Rock, Arkansas, during which she will share of her testimonies that ultimately gave way to her composing her first book.
DEFYING THE ODDS — Borders specifically acknowledged that after having endured a slew of failed relationships, dealing with the intense challenges that are affiliated with being a single parenting, having faced domestic abuse and being raised without a father, her initial book is vital and life-changing in that it helps oppressed and spiritually wounded people retain the crown for God has strategically reserved for them.
“I’ve always had a desire to work with young ladies ages 16-25, and writing this memoir has opened up different opportunities for my vision to come to pass,” Borders said. “My heart’s desire is to start my own private charter school for younger ladies that will teach them how to thrive in the world as women with standards, morals and values and those who know their worth.”
Talk about making some major, awe-inspiring moves.
Say what you want about Quiandrea Borders.
But come hell or high water, whether her faith appears bleak and seem on the brink of landing on shaky ground, know this about this devout woman of faith:
She knows well she is more than a conqueror through Him Who loves us.
EDITOR’S NOTE:If you are an entrepreneur, business owner, producer, author, athlete, musician, barber, life coach, motivational speaker, cosmetologist, tax preparer, model, or pastor/minister who is seeking exposure and would like to share your story with an in-depth news feature, call Reporter Andre Johnson at 901-690-6587 or Facebook message him under “Andre T. Johnson” for details.
Andre Johnson is Founder and Publisher for Making Headline News. A 2000 graduate of the University of Memphis School of Journalism and a former staff reporter the Memphis Commercial Appeal newspaper, Johnson covers the NBA Southwest Division from Dallas, Texas. To reach Johnson, send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. Also, follow him on Twitter @AJ_Journalist.